Chapter 3

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Sasha in the media ❤
Sherry's Pov
"Mawmaw ?!" I hear Sosha yelling my name

"Im in the Den" i yell back

Sosha and a male figure walks in the living room when i put on my glasses and make out who he is i almost faint.

"Oh my lord" are the only words i could form at this point.

Sosha's Pov

When me and my dad walked in mawmaw looked like she had seen a ghost. She walks over to him and run her hand down his face.


"Mama sherry what was that for" my dad says holding his face

Mawmaw takes the news paper she was Reading and start beating the mess out of him.

"Where *hit* the *hit* hell *hit* have *hit* you *hit* been *hit* for five whole years *hit**hit**hit**hit*.

By the time mawmaw was done beating his ass she was out of breath. She pulled him by the collar of his shirt and sat on the couch.

Andrew's Pov

After a few minutes of Sherry's heavy breathing from the beating she just gave me, she broke the silence with a hug.

"Where have you been all these years Andrew" she asked on the verge of tears

"Well after that night at the hospital when i od'd they put me in a rehab facility in california. They let me out and i was back selling drugs. I start working with my boy down there and became one of the biggest drug lords there is. I told him about baby girl and he sent me on my way. Like i told Sosha, sherry im sorry i didnt come sooner .. i guess i couldnt face you guys until now.  I knew Sosha probably hated me by now and you gave up on me ever coming back. I just hope im not to late" I look up to a crying sherry and sosha. I stand up and hug them both.

"Dinner" yells mama sherry

Me and Sosha have been talking and catching up all day. I wanted to take the girls out to eat but sherry insisted on making a home cooked meal.

"Wow mawmaw you havent cooked this much food since pawpaw died" Sosha says with a side smile.

I spit out the food i had snuck behind mama Sherry's back when i heard those words.

"Since what ??" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Yes .. charles is not longer with us. May god rest his soul." She looks down with a sad look on her face. I decide to try and change the subject.

I get up and take the plates from sherry.

"Here let me get that. You just sit down and get comfortable." She gives me a weak smile before sitting.

"Dinner was great sherry. Just like i was back when i was Sosha's age." I say rubbing my gut.

"I still got it dont i" sherry says dusting her shoulder off and winking at sosha.

After all the food, talking, laughing, tears, and catching up, i decide to head back to my hotel.

"Hey you guys i think im gonna head out now its getting kinda late." I say with a yawn.

"Yeah i have school in the morning so im gonna go to bed now" Sosha gets up from the table and hugs sherry goodnight with a i love you and kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Andrew" Sosha says walking up the stairs. I look down and scratch My head.

"Night" i heard her bedroom door close before i could even get out any other words.

"You deserve it." Sherry says looking over her glasses.

"Huh? What you talking about sherry" i say with a nervous chuckle.

"Dont worry she'll come around" she says rising from the table. I stand as well and grab my jacket and keys. Sherry walks me to the door and watches me get in my car. She waves as i pull off into the dark cold night.


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