chapter 2

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"But I will get by !" Me and my grandma harmonized the end of the song.
Sherry's POV
Hey, I'm Sasha's grandmother sherry. I love my Sasha. She's the only family I have left out here. All our family is in Orlando Florida. Everything I do and work for is for my granddaughter and I'll do just about anything for her to be able to be happy. My daughter.. Her mother passed away when she was only 11. That's was a horrible time for all of us. Her daddy was so caught up in his ass he didn't even see it coming. Yeah he was the drug dealer before he was the drug buyer. See me and Charles my husband ... May god rest his soul . We knew he was no good for our Linda, but when we found out she was pregnant with his baby girl .. We had no choice. See if I would've had the chance to stick my foot up his ass along time ago he would've had some damn act right, but after a while I grew to love him like my own, even after Linda was murdered and he lost his ways. I took Sasha in on my own free will. She didn't know anything she was to young to even understand. She took in the fact her mother was gone and have accepted that since then. She a strong independent young woman and I love her to death. Like I said I'll do just about anything for her including kicking somebody no good, dick hopping, cherry poppin, sperm droppin, dirty son's ass.

Sasha's POV
Ight mawmaw I'm finna head to Tania's. "Okay baby you be careful now" my grandma called out. I closed and locked the front door to our raggedy two bedroom apartment. The walk to Tania's house was deadly but I wasn't the one to stay in the house and do nothing all day. As I was walking I felt I had more then one shadow. I got scared and start walking faster. I felt like if I turned around there would be the same people who killed my momma coming for me to. I always had that feeling. I never turned around when I walked I was to scared to face what couldve been behind me. "Sasha" a deep familiar voice called out to me. I turned around to a man I never seen before or at least I thought I hadn't. "Daddy" I felt tears forming in my eyes as I realized who the unknown man was. He ran to me even though I didn't really know him after he left me something in me said "love him anyway".

" I'm so sorry Sasha.. I'm so so so sorry I left you for all those years. I was so devastated after your mom passed away I didn't know what else to do. I linked every where for that sick bastard and had no hope. You where so young only 11 you had fake tattoos and pony's to worry about but I promise I just needed to get myself together so when I start using I went to talk to your grandma and asked her to look after you until I got myself together and she and your grandpa immediately denied thinking I was behind your mothers death. I begged and pleaded for two whole months before they had no choice but to come get you when I OD'd and was in the hospital and CPS took you from me. They put me in a rehab facility in California. I got clean and realized I didn't have any family so I got back in the game. I met this guy name Leon and start working for him a year in a half later. He got me a nice little condo on a hill in the small part of cali. When I got my car I start moving around more and met this great girl name cassidy. Once we got to now each other we hit it off. Cassidy is leons lil sister and she new about everything. Leon gave me a few thousands dollars after cassidy  told him I had a daughter back in Calsheire. Soon as I had the money in my hand I pack a suitcase, had my car shipped down here and hopped on the first flight back to you. When I got here I went to your grandmas old house but it don't look like nobody's lived there for 4 or 5 years. I asked around about you and a youngN mafia said you live off 51st with sherry in the browns. I parked outside and waited but when I seen you I didn't know what to do so I followed you here. Im sorry i didnt come sooner princess"

By the end of the story I was in tears but in even more shocked when I found out my grandparents didn't want to take me in. I was crushed but happy he came back for me. How was I gone explain this to Jamarcus and Tania. I lied about my momma and daddy dieing in a car accident. I didn't want people to know my family was connected with drug dealers. All these thoughts came across my head when he finished his story. Words couldn't even being to form the shit Ive got myself into. I never thought he would come back for me. What am I going to do ?

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