Chapter 1

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-Hokage's office

Naruto sighed. His attention was turned to his computer. He ran his hand through his hair when Moegi burst in his room.

"It's Boruto again" Moegi said. Naruto stood up and nodded. He shunshined (body flickered) out of his office. He was sitting on top of his head. The seventh hokage's head. He looked at Kakashi's head and shook his head. He looked towards the distance and saw his son playing pranks. He apparently painted on the walls. Naruto smirked. His son basically looked like him and acted like him.

Boruto continued to paint and vandalize the walls when Naruto held his wrist, effectively stopping him.

"Hey teleporting isn't fair!" Boruto shouted. Just then, Hinata came in the picture holding Himawari's hand.

"Oh hi Himawari" Boruto said. Naruto sweat dropped.

"Hina-chan? can you take Boruto home? I still have duties to do" Naruto said. Hinata smiled and nodded. She held up her hand. Boruto pouted, crossed his arms and looked away. A tick mark appeared on Naruto's head as he hit Boruto on the top of his head.


Hinata sighed she took Boruto's hand and kissed Naruto on the cheek. Naruto smiled. He teleported back in his office. He was typing something on his computer and slept.

-Few hours later

Naruto woke up. But he was not in his office. In fact, he was in his old house. Naruto blinked in shock. He got up.

'What happened Kurama?' Naruto asked in his head.

'You tell me kid. I don't know. I was sleeping and looking at you, you're back to twelve'


'Stop shouting so much kid. It hurts my sensitive ears'

'I thought we came in an agreement that you're not calling me kid again' Naruto said, pouting.

'Seeing as you are what you are now... It's only proper isn't it?'

Naruto hmphed and turned around, crossing his arms.

'Well looks like we're back in time even before I was genin'

'Well what will you do now?'

Naruto grinned.

"Fix things up! But not mess up the timeline. I'll just tamper a bit but I won't tell anyone. I'll talk to Hina-chan too."

'You sure you can do this?'

'I'm hokage! Also the most unpredictable ninja ever! Of course. Sure I'll miss Boruto and Himawari but it'll be all good. At least I won't do paper works... And the old man should still be alive. The only problem I have is checking if I still have my skills'

Kurama grinned.

'Don't worry. I'm positive you do but you have smaller chakra reserves so in short, you just need practice.'

Naruto grinned back at Kurama.

'Well c'mon. Let's stop people from dying ya know!'

Naruto left his mindscape. He collected information what today was and found out today was the day of the test. He noticed the looks the villagers were giving him. It has been a while after all. He walked casually and sighed at the fangirls Sasuke was getting. He imagined what he would say in this case.

'Well it'll feel wierd saying this but...'

"NARUTO UZUMAKI IS HERE! FUTURE HOKAGE!" Naruto sat next to Sakura as Sakura smacked him on the head. Iruka took roll while Naruto slept and made a fool of himself. They took the written test and finally the clone test. Naruto made the wrong seal and made an ill looking clone come out. Iruka failed Naruto while Naruto tried his best be look sad but inside he was bursting in excitement that he'll get to kick Mizuki's ass again.

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