Chapter 3

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Team 7 was impatiently waiting for Kakashi again. Naruto sighed. He hasn't done D-rank missions for awhile. In fact he hasn't done missions in a while. Kakashi suddenly appeared with Naruto and Sakura shouting at him for being late.

"Ah... Well there was this old lady..."

"LIAR!" Sakura shouted.

Kakashi looked at Naruto. It has been a few days and he can't simply let go what happened in the forest.

"Sakura, Sasuke go paint the walls first. I need to go talk to Naruto" Kakashi said seriously. Sasuke's eyes narrowed but he nodded either ways.

Their mission was to simply paint someone's house you see.

Saukura followed Sasuke to the house, fawning over him. Naruto sweat dropped. It felt so nostalgic. But they didn't even know that.

"Naruto. What was that you did in the forest? You did a rasengan and turned into a sage."

Naruto rubbed his head and showed confusion.

"What are you talking about Kakashi-sensei? What's rasengan? Sage mode? What's that? Is that some sort of weird jutsu?"

"Don't play dumb with me."

"What are you talking about? You're really confusing me..."

Kakashi's eye narrowed. Was he put in a genjustu? He was very confused right now and it was annoying him.

"How did you know that guy was going to pass you three? Were you there?" Kakashi said in a cold voice.

"What do you mean?"


Naruto cringed at Kakashi's tone.

"Who was who? The last thing I remember was Sakura telling me that we passed..."

Kakashi looked at Naruto with disbelief. He couldn't take it anymore. It was confusing way too much and he didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Forget this talk ever happened." Kakashi said, walking away. Once Naruto was alone, Kurama decided to talk to him.

'Really? You're playing that card with him?'

'I guess. I mean It's really fun ya know!"

'You... I swear it is waay to early to get caught.'

'Well... It was fun confusing him. Besides, the situation didn't make sense but I'm still wondering how we got here. But since we somehow won't change the future, we might as well do it right?'

Kurama sighed angrily and cut the link off. Naruto suppressed a chuckle and went inside the house. Much to the owner's displease. But they can't really do anything considering the famous Kakashi was there. The team ended up finishing the mission early for the owners didn't want Naruto there much longer.

After a few weeks of boring D-rank missions, Naruto decided it was the time to call out a c-rank mission. As he have done before. The third hokage announced the different d-rank missions when Naruto finally had enough.

"Nooo! I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging!"

'For once I agree with him...' Sasuke thought.

'What a pain...' Sakura thought. The third hokage lectured Naruto about how the missions were as Naruto talked about what kind of ramen he had yesterday.

'This really feels weird...' Naruto thought. Being hokage gives you advantages into adopting your character. The hokage finally agreed and sent in the old man.

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