Your children

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Josh: Two twin boys Charlie and Thomas. Charlie was born three minutes before Thomas at 10: 25 am on the 19th March.

Simon: You have a daughter named lilly born at 7:14 pm on the 4 th May.

JJ: You have two boys. Lorenzo born 12th November at 4 :19 am then the following year Jerome was born December 4th at 2: 15 pm.

Vik : You have three boys. Peter was born april 7th born at 9: 42 am then the twins Andrew and Riley 12:02 pm Peter 1st then 5 minutes later Riley.

Tobi: You have Twin Girls born July 4th Jessica at 1:54 am then Lilo at 2:15 am.

Ethan: You both have a girl name Eliza born at 8:04 pm on August 1st.

Harry: You have a boy named Cairo born at 6: 0 5 pm on February 4th.

Thanks for reading and hope everything is well and hope you have a great day or evening . Byee

and take care. <3 <3

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