Well i got to spend an hour at epcot today
I took more pics but theyre over 10 mb so i cant show yall lol
The reason why i only got an hour at epcot is bc my grandma miscalculated the curb when we were walking in "britain" and she fell on her face and was sent to the hospital after passing out for a second. (She was dehydrated and her blood pressure was rly low)
We spent five hours there, mainly waiting for the CT scan results (shes fine) amd went home
Tho i did buy a hat in "canada"
(So technically we drove two hours to epcot, bought a hat for me only, and promptly left)
(The only reason we bought the hat is bc all of my hats are too small for me now and the sun was in my eyes and im a drama queen who loVes complaining)Oh and i got this