Mom hasnt confiscated my phone just yet
This is Drew Patton
•shes hardcore gay
•always seems to be chewing gum
•her fingertips have no feeling because she has the fun pastime of holding hot lightbulbs for as long as she can
• craves the sweet embrace of death
•teachers fear her
•when she gets passionate about somethign she gets a new york accent
•talks with her hands
•wears flannel all the time
•shaved half her head just to piss off mom
•aggressively gay= she falls hard for violent gals
•you can tell if she forgot to use deodorant if she is 1) wearing a jacket in 90° weather 2) her arms never leave her sides 3) she avoids every single girl
•very flirty
•her handwriting is shit
•very soft hair
•an asshole
•cusses too much
•wears sweaters in apocalypse-worthy weather and tanktops in ice age comparable weather and proceeds to hate every decision she has ever made
•bottle up ur feelings to make a fuckign destructive explosive
•does the thing with the fingers where if u look at it u get punched