Love Lust Sex Desire

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(AN:15 reads in two days I gotta admit I wasn't expecting this but since I'm getting the love mine as well give you all something in return AN UPDATE:)

Y'all Lust is a wanting someone for there body but lust is a mix of things lust is desire. You can desire someone because you juts want them so bad you can't stand it, or lust over the body which confuses people the most. Lust however leads to sex .Sex is a wonderful act in itself,but it has no true meaning the meaning is with the person your doing it with other than that you just have the basic process that person fine or sexy it doesn't find the true definition of sex which if you really pay attention the true definition is making love so here comes the love part. When you love somebody true love you want to give them everything possible. You desire them,you want to be with them you just can't never stop thinking about them. You just need to be with them the desire is just that strong this then leads to lust. You lust for them because you want to be with them that badly it's just something that you need to have. After you get married your suppose to have sex to seal your marriage,to show your love and bond. You become one mind,make decisions together ,have children,love each other with ever fiber of your being. Along with everything Love Lust and Sex,even with all the differences take all are apart of one thing purified LOVE.

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