Strong Women

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(AN:100 plus reads God bless you all and thank u.Updates will be coming more often due to thanksgiving break NO SCHOOL🙏🏾 )

To all the women out there you are strong and powerful.You're more than just your body or curves.Be smarter with some of these decisions y'all make.You'll could do so much better than some of these men y'all get.Don't go running back like he's the only thing that will ever happen to you.If you end up pregnant for them and they don't wanna help raise them DON'T go have another one for him.Your just gonna end up a struggling mother out in this crazy world that we live in now.Its not only bad for you it's bad for the child as well.To the Women in an abusive relationship I can't stress how much you need to leave.The first hit should be the last not a gate way for many more or worse those hit could lead to something more violent or deadly.To any single mother who is struggling to support their children y'all are the MVP's Most valuable parent.My heart goes out to all of y'all.Don't let America's standards make you sell yourself short your strong even when your alone stronger when you believe in yourself.

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