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A/N: Thanks to everyone reading this multi-chapter story! I'll most likely update the following Sunday so stay tuned for that. And finally, I hope you enjoy the story!

'Beautiful,' is the first thing that comes to mind when I see my best friend Maya. No matter if we're at a dance and she's all glammed up, or if we're having a sleepover and she's makeup-less, she's beautiful.

This doesn't mean I'm attracted to her, of course. I'm just noticing how pretty she is. Girls do that all the time. Like if you see a nice looking girl on the street, you think to yourself 'hey, that girl is really pretty.' That's all I'm really doing. I just happen to notice her silky blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, amazing cheekbones, her soft, kissable lips...

But it doesn't mean I like her like that.

Besides, I have a boyfriend. A really, really handsome boyfriend, at that. Lucas Friar, the guy every girl at this high school wants to have. Incredibly good looking, a senior, quarterback of the winning football team, and not to mention, instead of the arrogant, stereotypical football jock you see in the movies, Lucas is a sweetheart, who would do anything for me or any of our other friends, which is a big reason of why he people like him so much.

All in all, I have a pretty good thing going with Lucas. We are the It couple. And while I don't care that much about popularity, it's nice to see that people think we're such a great couple, because we are. We are an amazing couple, and we have been for years. We've experienced so many first with each other. First kiss, first date, first boyfriend, and so many other firsts. We've even been each others first time. It happened last year. Lucas said that he was ready, and I told him that I was ready, too. It was really... good.

Did I say good? I meant so totally mind blowing amazing. There was no one else I'd rather do that with. Nobody.

The point is, I love Lucas. He's the only one I have feelings for, and the only one I'll ever have feelings for. Maya and I are just friends.

My calculus class had just ended, and I was heading to my locker to put away my books and get ready for lunch when I saw Maya with a guy. A tall, prince charming look-alike guy with nicely kept brown hair and big brown eyes. I didn't know his name, but I had seen him in my Spanish class. A knot appeared in my stomach as I saw the two interacting, and was almost sure that the Disney prince was flirting with my Maya.

A knot appeared in my stomach, and I kept a heated gaze on the two as I walked past them and towards my locker. I shoved my books in, making a loud clang and making a few students in the hall to turn their heads and look and me.

"Bad day, Riley?" Farkle asks as he slides up next to me. He followed the direction of my eyes towards Maya and prince charming. "Is someone a little jealous?"

I groan. Ever we started high school, Farkle's had the crazy idea that I'm in love with Maya.

"Farkle, for the last time, I do not have feelings for Maya," I reply in a neutral voice.

"Well if that were true, why are you looking at Connor like you want to kill him?"

Oh, Connor. That's his name. Hmmm.

"I don't want to hurt Connor," I say, and even I think it sounds a little unconvincing.

"Well, Isadora and I are going down the road to grab some lunch. Do you wanna come with us?"

"No thanks, Farkle. I think I'm going to wait here and have lunch with Maya in the cafeteria," If she ever gets out of her conversation with Connor, that is.

"Suit yourself. See you later, Riley," Farkle heads out the double doors leading to the parking lot.

A second later, I hear my phone vibrating with a text alert and check it.

From: Farkle

Tell Maya you like her. If not for you, then for my sanity, please.

I ignore Farkle's text, which is very out of character for me. Usually, whenever one of my friends text me, I'm right on the ball. After all, it may be important. But what Farkle is saying is crazy. He just needs to lay off.

I look up to see Maya and Connor still chatting away, no care in the world. Finally, I decide to do something about it. I walk up to the pair and intervene.

"Hello, my name is Riley," I take Connors hand and almost shake it out of its socket, while he stands there and looks confused. "I'm Maya's best friends, but you might already know that with your little conversation that seems to be going on forever," I laugh like crazy and Connor and Maya are both obviously weirded out by the situation. "Well, it was really nice meeting you Connor, but Maya and I really have to go now. Bye." I grab Maya's hand and drag her along until we reached the cafeteria until Maya finally stops me.

"Woah, Riley, what the hell was that?"

"What was what?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"That right there, where you came up to me while I was talking to a really cute and funny guy and you took me away. And Riley, I know you're a very happy, over excitable 'the glass is overflowing' type of person, but the way you laughed, you literally seemed insane."

I pretend to be thinking this over.

"Come on Riley, you really don't think you've done anything wrong?" Maya asks.

"I don't think so. Did I do something, Peaches?"

Maya takes a deep breath. "Whatever, let's forget it" We stand there in silence before Maya starts pointing to a window and saying, "Hey, is that a butterfly?"

"Where?" I turn around and look it.

"I can get you every time, Pumpkin. Come on, let's go grab something to eat. I'm starved." She puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me along to join the long cafeteria line. I'm just glad I could get her away from prince charming, or Connor.

I do wish I could find that butterfly, though.

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