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That's what Maya and I officially call ourselves.

After our steamy post-Prom make-out session, we got to talking, deciding that it would be best to discuss labels, and what this would mean for us and our relationship. We discussed the idea of a relationship between us, about introducing us, as a couple, to our friends and family.

We knew for a fact that neither of our families would disown us, or think that we're sinning for being together, not knowing any experiences in which our family said something degrading about the LGBT+ community, nor were we worried about our friends for the same reason. The only things that worried us were school and Lucas.

We live in New York, one of the fifty states more known for its acceptance of gays and lesbians, but that doesn't mean that everyone does accept it. We were, of course, scared, that there would be people at our school that weren't as accepting, and called us out on our lesbian relationship. We knew that we would have the support of the faculty, especially my dad, a history teacher at the school, but we were still scared of coming out to such a large crowd of people.

As for Lucas, he's never shown any homophobic tendencies, and perhaps in a different world, he would be fully supporting us, but because of the fact that I'm his girlfriend (or, ex-girlfriend, but he just doesn't know yet) has most likely made him more refusing to accept the fact that we're dating. I know that I'm going to have to talk to Lucas about this. About what's going on between us. Maya offered to come with me to help, but I thought that it would be best if Lucas only had to handle one of us, me being the better choice as he is closer to me than with Maya.

I texted Lucas that weekend, and we made plans to meet up at the bakery my mom owns called Topanga's on Sunday. I decided that it would be better to talk to him in a public place compared to meeting alone in my house. Now all I have to do is prepare what I'm going to say.

Sunday has arrived, and I am currently getting ready to see Lucas. Other than our quick texting session just yesterday, we've had no sort of contact since what happened at Prom. This makes me nervous. I have no idea what's on his mind, or what he has to say to me. I don't know if he hates me, and that's killing me.

The fact that he agreed to meet me without any sort of argument gives me hope that he's not totally upset at me, or at least has some part of him that might be able to forgive me for embarrassing him in front of the school.

I finish brushing my hair and head out the door and make my way by subway to Topanga's. I arrive at my destination and through the window, I can see Lucas sitting on the couch seating area, the place that our group usually sits at when we hang out here. He has a solemn expression on his face, his forehead having noticeable wrinkles, most likely from a lot of thinking and stress.

I enter and the bells above the doors cause Lucas to turn his attention towards me. We make eye contact and I go up to him and take a seat beside him on the couch. For a while, we don't say anything, and it's obvious that we're just as nervous as each other, neither of us knowing where exactly to start our conversation off. I decide to speak up first, deeming it appropriate as I am the one who initiated this meetup.

"So, Lucas," I began weakly, not quite sure where this conversation is going to turn. "We need to talk about stuff, obviously,"

"Yeah, we do," He agrees awkwardly.

I take a deep breath before trying to continue on. I open my mouth to start, but Lucas beats me to the punch, already interjecting his own thoughts by the time I build up the courage to introduce mine.

"So what happened with you and Maya? I saw her run after you when you left the gym. Did she talk to you?"

"Yeah, she caught up to me at my house and we...talked."

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