Holiday inn

42 3 0

So the girls leave ki's house and checks in at a hotel

Dia: *Reading the sign* Holiday.....Inn
Why this place

Baby: Because its one of the best hotels

Dia: I like best western

Baby: I don't care what you like

Trin: *Laughs *

Jay: baby be nice

Baby: *laughs *

Ana: * holding a bunch of bags* are y'all gonna..ugh HELPP

baby: oh sorry

The girls take all the bags out the car and but them on the big cart and baby walks in to get a room

Front desk man: Hello welcome to holiday inn

Baby: Hi I'm baby I would like a room please

FDM: okay how many people do you have with you this evening

Baby: umm a lot were not from here we are visiting friends I'm from Orlando Florida

FDM: Weeell welcome to Pennsylvania how long are you staying

Baby: Two weeks maybe 3

FDM: well since Your new i'll give you the first two nights free

Baby: aww that's Sweet thanks

FDM: so how many people

Baby: um...12 girls


Baby: yeahh

FDM: well I can give you the 3 kings and 1 queen is that okay

Baby: that's fine

FDM: that's the biggest room we have and it's on the 12th floor


FDM: yes honey I'm sorry that's the biggest we have unless you want 2 rooms

Baby: no thank you we'll take it

FDM: great here is you r key to the room that second key is for the pool and Gym your room is 1236

Baby: thank you

Baby walks outside and tells the girls what room and they push the cart to the elevator

Evi: I'm afraid of elevators

Ally: me too

Baby: me Three

Jay: me four

Jav: Five

Bianca: stuck it up and get in * pushes the button*

The girls watch the elevator open as they Trimble in fear

Jav: Please don't make me goo

Baby: were too young to diee

Jay: I want my mommyyyy

Bianca: everybody IN * Points at the elevator* baby what number

Baby: um.... 12...

All the girls but Baby: 12!!!!!

Ally: Baby you crazy

Jay: *sits down and puts her head in a corner of the elevator* WERE GONNA DIEEEE AHHHHHH

Bianca: Jay get up


Everybody laughs

Baby: sorry the 12th floor has the biggest rooms *pushes 12*

Davy: the room better be nice

Dia: *jumps* Weeee

Everybody: DIA STOOPP

Dia: *still Jumping* IM A FROG

Jav: *Grabs Dia* STOP

Suddenly the elevator starts shaking and the girls screaming then.. the elevator stops and the lights turn off

Jada: um....guys....I think we're stuck.....



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