(Warning: This story is a lil long, but I hope you guys still enjoy it. I tried my best, so please no hate)
(Dialogue key: Underline - Bartender
Normal - Lily/Lilith
Italics - the gang)It was mid evening, about Ten-Thirty p.m. I was heading to The Windy Thorn to get a drink and listen to see what word on the street was. If there's anything you need to know, The Windy Thorn is the place to be.
Candlelight peaked through the curtained windows and through the door. I carefully and quietly entered with the sound of music from a piano. I sauntered in, my heels on the wood made a clicking sound as I walked.
I sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Angus, the bartender, asked "What will it be, Lily?", "The Usual" I answered back. Angus knows why I'm here, I always come here if I'm bored or looking for conversation. I tried to focus on the mood of the place. Angus serves up three fingers of whiskey."Lily, why do you always hang out in this dump? Doesnt it get boring?" He questioned, "Because I can, and no it doesn't" I stated. I began to focus on a random woman's conversation "Did you hear about Eliza? She moved to France!" Boring.
Then I took notice of a group of men playing cards and talking "did you ever see the new Funtom company heir?" This caught my attention. I swirled my whiskey and kept listening. " yeah, he's completely lacking a spine, such an indecisive man, he's nothing like Ciel" That made me pissed. "I bet we can easily take over~ I have a few ideas how to~" I didn't show it, but I was engulfed with rage"Did you here about him and Midford's Bodyguard? I here the body guard pretty much acts like a mother towards them, I bet they are weak." That was when I had enough.
I slyly walked over to their table, I gave a fake smile and asked "May I play for a round?" "sure, doll" one smirked. Ugh, they disgust me. I was given a hand of cards, looks like we are playing a card game called 'Rummy'. I sighed "Alright boys, do you know why I'm here?". "To play a round?" The third one asked. He looks dimwitted, well all of them look stupid to be honest. "Incorrect, I'm here to...ahem...Warn you" The Fifth one chuckled "Warn us of what? Ghosts?".
I grabbed a pistol from my coat and raised it to his forehead "To warn you what happens to people who talk shit about my bosses and give you a chance to keep me from spraying your hillbilly guts all over the bar." His group was panicked, Two ladies and Two men ran out the door not wanting to get involved, Angus and the waitresses were waiting for my signal, but the man smirked "So you are the so called 'Knox'", he chuckled, "I'm not afraid of you. Also, who gives a f*ck about your bosses!?! No one!".
I was extremely raged. I smiled a sadistic grin, like a mad man "Those were a wrong choice of words, bastard. Don't you know fools who run their mouths often wind up dead?~" I pulled the trigger and he was shot right between the eyes, he immediately dropped to the floor, dead. His crew of nine got out knives, crowbars, bats, weapons of the sort. I laughed "What? I warned him! Plus, haven't your mommies told you not to bring a knife to a gun fight?~" I saw the realization on their faces, but they brought out the weapons anyways. "All of you have the I.Q of a rock. Do you know that?". One tried to stab me, I stepped to the side and grabbed his arm.
I loudly said the signal ,"Nice shoes!" then all of the waitresses and Angus got out their guns and helped me out. Without looking I shot the guy who tried to stab me and the fourth person in the head. I got surprised by a gunshot close to me, looks like someone tried to knock me out and Angus shot them. Waitresses, Angus, and I shot most of them that were just foolish enough to attack us.
Four remained, but mercy was not on my mind. My side knew I had the rest of this covered, so they backed off. Their group shivered in fear. I shot the two of them right in the chest, and both fell to the ground dead. I walked towards a certain one, shooting the other remaining one in the head.
I gave the man, no, boy an emotionless look. He looked scared out of his mind, he knew his fate. I shot him in the knees, he screamed out in pain, kneeling to the floor. I grabbed a hold of his chin and made him look me in the eye. he was crying, but I didn't give a damn. "What is your name, boy?" I interrogated him. He panted in pain, and stuttered "T- Trevor...". I felt no empathy for him, but I was fascinated. "Why did you join their pack?" I say as if they were a pack of rabid animals. "I - I was forced into it, it was a bet" he kept on whining in pain, it was getting annoying.
I shot both of his shoulders and he howled in pain. "Such a foolish boy", I looked him dead in the eye "Never make bets, especially if you know you won't win" Then i shot him in the chest, he collapsed to the ground. I looked at the waitresses and Angus and they were cleaning up blood. I handed Angus $50 "Sorry for the trouble, A". "It's not a problem, Lily" he answered back. He knew were to hide the evidence, all of them did. For demons, the staff aren't that bad. I glanced down at my bloodied clothes. "Is it alright if I leave now? I need to go take care of some things..." "Of course, feel free to visit any time" I grabbed my cloak from the coat rack, and put it on. I quietly walked out the door and ran to my apartment near my bosses manor. I looked down at my pocket-watch to see it was One a.m...... "was it really that long?" I muttered to myself. I am glad I had gone to the Windy Thorn tonight....(I hope you guys liked that! Feel free to comment suggestions for more stories! ^-^)