The Vampire Queen:chapter 1

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<><><>it's me and I'm adding this message because after writing this chapter I realized that I had a lot of mistakes in my work I hope u countione to read <><><><><>

Hello,my name is Lexi you see I may be the vampire queen now but I wasn't always like this. It all stared on February 10 on my 17Th birthday when i was doing my homework. My mom had knocked on the door and asked to come in of cores i said yes because well she was my mom. So I let her come in and she seemed really serous. "Lexi," she said very slowly "me and your father need to talk to you about some thing really important". When she was saying that i had just been thinking "OMG!They got me a car AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!". Then she continued "Um we needed to tell you at the right time and now that you 17 we thought you were old enough to know that well um your kinda maybe adopted". With that being said the only thing i could spit out right then and there was WHAT!!Boy do i regret that one. Then Happened to say"well then who are hjmy really parents and will I ever meet them or even have a picture of them". " actually that's the thing is your parents are alive and every thing just with a little catch" "well what is it then whats the catch!"" uh you know what lets call it a day and I will tell you tomorrow"" no i cant wait you started talking about my parents you cant you have to tell me now i cant wait any longer"" see this is what I'm talking about you get over excited you can just wait in tell tomorrow morning"uh fine"After she left I couldn't stop thinking about my parents.Is my dad nice or even hansom, what about my mom was she pretty kind maybe even the friendly-est person.Did i have other family members was my aunt one of those who like to be active and keep in touch or my cushions,where they always fighting or always speaking nerd. Did I have brothers and sisters what where they like did they like to bug me or did they like to be as far away from me as possible. That night I ended up thinking my self to sleep.I had this crazy dream that i meet my parents and they were um well vampires and they were trying to make me a vampire too. But that cant be right because vampires aren't real. After i was able to pull my self together and get over the fact that vampires weren't real i headed down stairs to see what my mom was going to tell me last night but ended up not telling me.Go figure moms.Well any ways i headed downs stairs, when i heard crying i stood still almost like i had been frozen.My mom had just keep-ed repeating "Why?" over and over again. I didn't know why she was saying it so some how i maneged to walk down the other stairs.As i turned around the Conner to get to my mom she try-ed to had that she was crying and acted like she was strong and that she never cries. But really every one cries every one . I sat down and my mom stared talking. "Lexi dear um well your adopted and again about your parents well um lets just say they weren't normal and well kinda um"she paused really long then was able to just spit it out and said"You parents were well are vampires".right when she said that I was speech less i didn't know what to say then the next thing i know every thing went black and i could just here the sounds of my mothers voice saying "Lexi you there don't leave me stay with me i love you."

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