Tagged #1

135 5 6

No introduction. Lets just jump right into it.

I was tagged by @Mythical101 (Congrats on being the first one in this book, though I doubt you care.)

She was tagged by@vocaloidlover182 

Its says I have to tag 20 people, but I'll only tag a few.

Lets get started~ (Enjoy some info about my boring life)


Do you like someone?

As in people in real life and not in anime/books/cartoons? Well, I have a few crushes, but nothing serious. I believe that they are just silly crushes or simple attractions that will fade in a couple of days, weeks, or (rarely) months. 

But to be honest? Not really. I mean, to like someone is to think about them often, right? If that's so, then I don't have anyone I like (when I see my silly crushes, I glance at them for a second before forgetting about them in the next second)

What's your middle name?

Not official, but my parents always wanted my middle name to be Grace.

Single or taken?

Single. And I intend to stay that way until university.

Last person you texted?

A friend. Not going to mention her name, but I had to text her about a school project we're doing together (which we aced)

Last song you listened to?

A character song from the anime "Brothers Conflict" Which I don't watch or really think about anymore, but the song is good so its in my playlist. Its sang by Asahina Fuuto who is voice acted by KENN. The song is called "Get Ready Tonight." 

Battery life?

Last time I checked? 60% (And the last time I checked was about a hour ago)

Female best friends?

I wouldn't say I have a single best friend. Actually, I don't think I have a best friend, just a lot of close friends. (Honestly, I rather not have a best friend, too much effort. I rather be kind and be friends or acquaintances with a lot of people.)

Male best friends?

Don't have one. Mainly acquaintances with most of the male population at my school. Honestly, I don't think I can be friends with any male in my school, most of them make me kind of uncomfortable (mainly because I don't understand there thinking)

Favorite OTP?

"OTP" means my favorite fictional pairing, right? Well if I had to be honest, at the current moment I'm intrigued in R27 fanfics. Reborn x Tsuna (preferably not a "Dame-Tsuna" but a strong Tsuna)

I actually never watched KHR, but I read a lot of fanfics. And maybe planning to make my own.

Why you made your account?

I made my account at first so I can get easy access to stories (mainly) fanfics on Wattpad. Then I started becoming more serious and started writing fanfics because I had nothing good to read, or I read a lot of stories where it starts off good but then the plot turns horribly cringy so I have to cut off. 

So I started writing to have a story I could read to my preference (But that plan somewhat backfired because I for some reason, couldn't feel a lot of satisfaction reading my own stories. It was kind of expected, but hey, I was naive and young back then [actually that was just last year]. I still do like reading my own stories for some reason)

Current lock screen?

The default one. Yes, its boring, but honestly? I really could care less what my phone's background or lock screen is. I barely notice and am too lazy to care. I also don't see much of a point.


Not telling. Private info. YOUR NOT GETTING ANY INFO. NOTHING. NADA.

I'm tagging~ (For some reason, that was tiring. So I'm only going to tag a few.):


blackjack1290    (also my little brother)








@bellharnest     (Please update your book...)

Don't really have a lot of people to tag. Anyway, that's all. Seriously...I'm tired. I want to have a life like Tanaka-kun...where can I get an Ohta?

Tags, Challenges, and Stuff (Neko1290)Where stories live. Discover now