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"W-what have you done to me?", Taehyung asked as he quickly pulled his clothes back on. "Never heard of Aphrodisiacs? Looks like they worked for you too." "I still don't get it."

"I put some in your water as you went to the bathroom, knowing you'd drink something afterwards." "But why, Hoseok?" "Because I like you." "What? But we only know each other for a short time." "I don't care. I want you to be mine and you will be, if you like it or not."

"Wha--  I give up.... I don't know what to do anymore. My parents will probably kill me, if they find out. Good bye world."

"You're coming over today after school, right?" "Do I have a choice?" "No." "Fine." "Good boy."
Hoseok ruffled Taehyungs hair before he kissed him again. Then the bell rang and the boys made their way to their last class.

'God, if you really exist, kill me now! I already know what he wants to do at home and when I get home my mom will ask me what happend and how am I supposed to tell her the truth? I don't want to lie to her...'

"Earth to Taehyung! We're already here! What's wrong with you?", Hoseok called and pulled the blonde inside the classroom where he practically sat him down, like the younger was some sort of doll. "Huh? Oh, I just feel a little dizzy. Nothing serious."

"You sure? You look really pale. You should take a rest. I'm taking you to the nurses office." Hoseok pulled the other up again and placed him onto his arms, walking to the nurses office.

On the way they met their teacher for the current lesson and she asked, "Is everything okay with him?" "Yes, Ms. Lee. He just didn't get enough sleep last night and feels a little dizzy. I don't want him to fall asleep during the lesson so I'm taking him to the nurses office so he can get some rest." "Alright. But when the lesson is over, I want you to come to my classroom to get your work." "Yes, M'am."

The boys continued their way to the office and Hoseok laid Taehyung onto the bed and watched him sleep so peacefully. "I didn't go too rough on him, maybe he really didn't get enough sleep last night... I should get some too" The orange haired grabbed the youngers hand and laid his head on top of it before closing his eyes and falling into dreamland soon after.


The sound of the school bell ringing, announcing the end of the day, caused the duo to jump out of their sleep and jolt up in surprise. Hoseok still had his hand around Taehyungs, which confused the younger, but he didn't pull away. Then Hoseok got up all of a sudden and pulled Taehyung along with him and out of the nurses office. "Where are we going?", Taehyung asked. "Our classroom to get our stuffs." "Oh, okay." They walked quietly next to each other until they reached their destination. The older knocked twice before opening the door. But there was only one problem.

The teacher wasn't in the room anymore. But she left the papers on the boys desks, so they grabbed everything they needed and made their way to Hoseoks place.

Sweet Temptation {VHOPE} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt