The Mystery

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19th June, Officers Block

"Ding Dong", the bell rang. As the housekeeper opened the door, a man rushed in. He was a tall man with long beard, dressed like some sort of an comptroller, dark eyes filled with some unusual fear. Breathing heavily, he ran to my friend Dr. Thornton who just came down hearing that noise.

"Where is he, Mr. Alex, Alex Clifford?" he asked for me. "Please calm down. He will be here anytime", Thornton said bringing him to the fireplace in the library. The housekeeper brought water to him. I entered through the back door. I could see that the guest was there with some kind of mystery which had troubled him. The glass of water was shaking in his hand. He jumped off the seat as I kept my hand on his back. The face with worries got some rest as I introduced myself, "I am Alex, Alex Clifford a private detective and ......"

"Ah! I am sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am John Walson" he answered.

Thornton interrupted, "John Walson, the chief banker at the 'Wotton National Bank' who had recently been awarded for his sincere work at the bank?"

"Yes" he replied "I am in a great trouble and after your fame reached my ears, I came here. I have a long story to tell"

"We have enough time for it. Please tell everything..."

"It was 17th June when a person named Kelvin Cooper came to my office and requested for a loan of $30,000. I willingly agreed but on the lieu that he must deposit something and can take it back when he repays the loan." explained John.

"He might have left something important on the cost $30,000. Something precious......" asked Thornton.

"Yes, absolutely. He fastened his bag and took out a dirty box which was an ordinary one from outside but the thing inside was precious more than $30,000. A golden stick with large diamond top. I was struck by its shine. It was more than expensive. Sudden of all, a thought that how..." said John in a gruff voice.

"How something like that came to his hands?" I questioned.

"Yes. I felt insecure and so I took it to my home."

"Please hold on! Who all live with you?"

"I, my daughter and my son live together at LARGE mansion at the farm street. We have three servants at our home. My son, Heather is addicted to gambling. Catherine, my daughter is a very beautiful, but silent girl. She always keeps her secrets within her."

"Is there anyone who frequently visits the house?"

"Only my nephew, Will Ferguson visits us in a week. His parents are no more. He is a good communicator and works as a lawyer. He is a rich person"

"So there are more suspects whom I need to talk. Please continue Mr. John." I said.

"Yes. So after I reached home, I found that Will was already there at home. I kept it in my French locker which was kept in my room. I didn't fear telling about the stick to my little family. My servant Stevenson fetched me some opium because I was unable to sleep due to the thought of that valuable. Next day, I woke at 6 precisely in the morning. The locker was open, the stick gone. The keys were still there in my pocket .I checked the whole house. I was troubled that how it could be stolen from my best locker whose keys are always kept with me." A chill ran through John's body.

"Is there any spare key?"


"What about the doors and windows?"

"My room is at the second floor. There is a single window and a door. All were locked in the same position as I locked them the previous night. The dirt was still there on the window sill. The keys were still in my pocket. And next day, a chit was there on the floor – Stop searching for it, it won't come back. Not a single scratch was there on the safe. I don't know who stole it?" explained John.

"No Mr. John, question is that how it has been stolen? I will see you at your house tomorrow morning. Tell everyone that a detective is coming."

The Mystery Of The Diamond StickWhere stories live. Discover now