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We met in a cafe,
Waiting in line for our coffee,
I sat by the window,
Staring through the cleared glass,
An old couple walked by,
Whispering in to each other's ears,
And giggled softly,
As though the air might swallow them,
You dabbed me on the shoulder,
I turned
And you smile,
We talked for hours,
Till our coffee stained the cup
We became friends
We message every night
We share stories
We have more and more in common
We understand each other better
It lasted for a year
Until one day,
You stop texting me
I called
And called .. You never answered
I waited at the cafe every day and night
Sat at the very same spot we first met
Hoped that you appeared and tell me why things changed
Watched hundreds of people come and go,
But non of them is you
I started drinking every week
Then ,every day
And began to drink daily
I find solace in liquor
You hate them you told me
Alcohol harms us, you said
Now, i am addicted to not your words
But alcohol,
I wish that you would come back and tell me to stop drinking
But you never did

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