Chapter 4

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Cammy's P.O.V

I just stood there staring at the mirror.. I hate those girls so much I can't believe they did that to me!! Ugh.. What excuse am I gonna use this time? I started crying.. I hate lying to my brother and dad about what happens... Well I guess I'll just have to come up with another lie.. Or just cover it wtih makeup.. Yea I like that idea better. I put a ton of makeup on all the bruises and cuts. It made the cuts sting a  little but whatever. After a while Hannah texted me

Text convo

Hannah-Heyy babez 

Me-Eller babez


Me-Oh ya know hanging out with my hottie boyfriend Mikey Fusco

Hannah-Oh cool!!!!! Now now tho don't be doing the naughty without protection!! OMG I cant believe my sister is gonna lose her virginity to the Mikey fusco!!!

Me-*facepalm* I was joking idiot

Hannah-Oh.. I knew that... Does that mean i can't be an aunt yet?

Me-Wow just wow.. I worry about you some times... 

Hannah-I know I worry about myself some times too ^.^

Me-Oh god...



Hannah-Me what?

Me- Are.

Hannah- I am what?!?!

Me- So stupid :P

Hannah-Whatever it thought you loved me!!!

Me-I love you babez!!!!!!! But I gtg ttyl 

Hannah-Yea yea yea whatever.. And byeeeeeeeez

I laughed at how weird our convo's are... Well they're weird for other people but are normal for us. I decided to go on twitter. I got a new follower so I went to see who it was...OMG MIKEY FUCKING FUSCO IS FOLLOWING ME!!!!!! I was soooo happy!!!! I got a DM and I thought it was just going to be Hannah. But it was Mikey.

Mikey-Hey after you tweeted me I checked out your profile and you look cute ;) just thought I should let ya know.

Omg...Omg...Omg he called me cute!! Ugh I sound like a girl...but whatever!

I decided to DM him back...

Me-Oh thanks :)

He didn't DM me back but I didn't mind because he didn't tweet anything either so he must've had to get off twitter. I got a text from Hannah again.

Hannah-OMG your future husband DMed you and called you cute!!

Me-Uh how did you know that?

Hannah-I went on your twitter duhhhh


Hannah-Hehehehe anyway g2g just had to inform u about that.. Oh and really "Oh thanks :)" COME ON GIRL I TAUGHT U BETTER THEN THAT!

I laughed at her. I really worry about her sometimes but whatever shes her and no body could change that. I got a text from an unknown number "Oh look the pathetic low life got a DM ... He must've felt bad for you.. Like I said your 'good' friend Lillie..Oh what a sweet girl. I can get anything out of her >:)" I instantly knew I had to do something about this...


Big thanks to my sis Kati for helpin me out with this chapter!!! Bt fyi kati...there is a spell check button and any 'i's by themselves should be capitalized :P

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