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Little Jack was so young, six and half to be exact. He was a very sweet and energetic dove. This made him different from the others, so it gave him the opportunity to be targeted by his fellow students.

Jack would always go to school with a smile on his face, always hoping for a better day, but only returned home with a small frown on his face as well as a bruise to mark his body.

He had no friends to talk to and no friends to play video games with. He often sat in the classroom during lunchtime, not wanting to be targeted for at least ten minutes.

One day, Little Jack arrived home, being greeted by his mother with a kiss to his forehead and a nod from his father. Jack didn't think his father liked him very much.

His father was a rather tough character, always loved sport and exercise, something Jack was not very fond of. His brothers and sisters didn't pay much attention to him either, but they stood up for Sean when he needed the help, mainly when his father shouts at him or when they catch him being bullied.

He went up to his room and tossed his bag to the ground before he walked to his bed, falling onto it and pulling his knees up to his chest, beginning to cry.

It was now a usual routine for Little Jack, he'd come home, go to his room and cry for about ten to twenty minutes before he'd get back up and complete his homework with his older sister, then moving downstairs to play outside.

Once he had finished his homework, his sister giving him a soft pat on his back and letting him off before telling him he did well. He nodded to his father when he passed him and walked out into the yard, picking up his tennis ball where he had left it from the day prior, tossing it up and catching it again. He sighed out, wishing he had a friend to play with other than his siblings.

"Hello", he heard a voice say and he jumped slightly, turning to face a boy he had never seen before whom stared at him.

"Hi!" Sean pulled up a smile and walked towards him, tossing his tennis ball hand to hand.

"Um... I'm new here.... sorry if I disturbed you?" He chuckled nervously and Sean giggled, finding his awkward behavior amusing.

"Hehe, you're funny!" Little Jack giggled as he held out his hand to the small boy. "I be Sean! But my ma calls me Jack!" He said in his high pitched voice, grinning childishly.

"I'm Mark... pleasure to meet ya Jack" Mark shook his hand back. "Honey? Who are you talking to?" Jack heard his mother ask and he looked back at her. "Mark!!" He pointed to his new friend, his mother nodding slowly before she walked off.

Sean frowned before turning back to face Mark, beaming at himself that he had made a new friend. "How old are ya Merk?" His words slurred in his accent, trying to make himself more understandable to Mark.

"I'm... 7" Mark said slowly, scratching the back of his neck, seemingly shy.

"Don't be nervous! I ain't gonna hurt ya!" Jack teased, poking Mark slightly, watching as he cracked a smile. "Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just a bit... nervous", he shrugged while rubbing his arm.

"Don't be!" Sean waved him off and sighed happily. "How old are you Jack?" Mark asked, clearing his throat slightly. "I'm 6 and a half!" Sean stated giddily, Mark chuckling at his energetic behavior.

"Wanna play ball with me?" Sean held out the ball to Mark watching him shift slightly, biting his lower lip. "S-Sure" He stepped back and Sean did the same, throwing the ball to Mark, watching as Mark caught it, quickly tossing it back.

This continued until he heard his mother call for him, turning to look to the house with the ball suddenly smacking into his cheek rather roughly which caused him to stumble back and fall to the ground, crying out.

He looked at Mark with his eyes filling with tears and seeing him walk over, a look of guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Jack! Are you okay?" Mark asked and Sean sniffled, wiping the corners of his eyes and nodding before climbing to his feet.

"Jack! Come on now! Dinner is ready!" His mother called again and Sean sniffled again, looking up at Mark. "I have to go now... can I see you again tomorrow?" Sean asked and Mark nodded, smiling kindly.

"Sure... don't let me hold you back, your mom might get upset", Mark nudged him slightly and Sean held on a smile, nodding and running to the house.


Short first, since I want to get as much done as possible. But I want to space it out well. I have got so many ideas, besides, I've wanted to do an imaginary friend story for a long time now, so bleh.

I've been sitting on this idea for a really long time, this was written like a year or two back but I had no idea how to go about doing it. I know I shouldn't add more stories but I guess I just really wanted to give myself a larger variety to chose from, I dunno.



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