Chapter 1

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Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid were as close as any other member of their team. They were formed as a family structure would be, except for they hunted psychos instead of going to dinner every night.

The team had just finished a case and were walking into the BAU in Quantico. Penelope Garcia was waiting for them, holding glasses filled with wine.

"I'm so sorry the case didn't turn out, so I decided that maybe we could forget our sorrows in wine?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm in." Emily Prentiss spoke, walking up and taking one of the seven glasses.

David Rossi followed suit and picked up one of the purplish-red drinks." To our sorrows."

"I'm sorry I've got-" Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner.

"Paperwork to do." Derek, Emily, David, and Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau said in unison.

"What about you, Pretty Boy?" Derek asked while taking another drink and sitting down

Dr. Spencer Reid fumbled with his satchel strap and looked at the ground, trying to find an excuse. "I was going to go to my house and sleep, actually."Spencer wasn't really a wine drinker, or a drinker at all. The last time he had a drink he had a hangover for a week. "If any of you need a ride home, please contact me."

Penelope grinned and said, "Oh, we sure will contact you."

So Spencer left, getting into his car and driving to his apartment and going to bed.

Aaron was in his office, doing the paperwork for their last case, and moving onto the other ones as well. He kept doing this late into the night, then early into the morning.

Jennifer and the rest drank well into the night. Eventually she went into her office and started to figure out what the next case could be. Emily went home, muttering something about 'Sergio'.

David, being the most somber, took both Derek and Penelope home seeing as the only thing keeping them up was each other.

So the night passed, morning came much too quickly for the rest of the team. When Jennifer came into the BAU to find that there was a case involving a missing family in Lusk,Wyoming. So, she told Hotch what was going on and to call the rest of the team.

Spencer was the first one there, seeing as he didn't have anything to drink. However, this was the complete opposite for Emily and Penelope. Both came into the briefing room with sunglasses adorned with massive headaches.

"Okay, we have a case in Lusk, Wyoming where a family of four were taken. This is the Huff family, two parents and two boys- twins- age fourteen. They were taken four hours ago, from their home." JJ reported.

"Huff family? That's a weird name." Derek asked.

"It's a German surname. How do we know that they were taken and didn't just leave without telling anyone?"Spencer questioned.

"They were reported missing after the neighbors heard gunshots. In the same area the Schneider family was taken three weeks ago. They were found a week ago with their intestines pulled out of their bodies and put on themselves."

"Couldn't that have waited for the plane to tell them that?" Garcia grimaced.

"Schneider is another German name. Did both families get into the country legally?"

"Yes, though it was thought that in the Germany the Schneiders had bounties on their heads for selling knock-off brands for a lot of money. Also for evading the police over there." JJ spoke, putting the wanted posters on screen.

"What about the Huff family?" Derek asked.

"Let me check... no, they are as clean as a whistle." Garcia reported, looking up from her laptop screen.

"So that's not a motive." Emily said.

"Wheels up in thirty." Hotch informed, gathering the case files. So everyone scattered, finding their go bags."Garcia, you're staying here." was what Hotchner said to Garcia as they started to leave.

"Okay. I really don't like flying with you guys anyway. You almost always talk about plane crashes." Garcia spoke as she instead grabbed her laptop and walked over to the elevator as the team went in."Be safe..." Every time they left her, Garcia was terrified that they'd be hurt and she would never see them again.

"You too, babygirl." Derek said as the doors closed.

Falling in Love with you- A Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now