Chapter 4

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So they caught the unsub and the Huff family got back almost physically scarred.

Now it was almost Christmas time and Spencer was cleaning his house. Unknown to him, however, was the fact that he dropped his book out of his satchel at the BAU. However, Derek had picked it up and was now outside Spencer's' door. He was let in by the apartment's owner, who had walked Derek up the stairs and opened said door.

"Thank you, ma'am." Derek spoke, smiling at the old lady.
"No problem deary. Any friend of Spencers' is a friend of mine!" She exclaimed  while walking back down the stairs.

Derek didn't hear any acknowledgment that Spencer knew he was there. As a matter of fact, the only sound that Derek heard was of a broom moving against Spencers' kitchen tiles. Book in hand, Derek walked into the doorway of the kitchen and what a sight he saw. Spencer Reid, who had an eidetic memory, an IQ of 187 and could read on average 20,000 words per minute, was dancing around while wearing headphones. Derek was not sure how to act, but he most definitely should not be watching as his college stood there shaking his hips to whatever beat he was listening to- and enjoy it. Derek Morgan, who came onto any woman available, should under no circumstances be leaning against the wooden doorframe of Spencer Reid's kitchen and watch him dance in a way that he never thought he could. He, Derek Morgan, would never think that he'd have to worry about his own sexuality. He was a proud bisexual, until anyone asked.

So, when Derek continued to watch Spencer clean and leaned against Spencer's doorframe, book in hand forgotten, when Spencer himself turned around to get the broom's scoop- they both turned red. Finally Spencer took out his headphones and couldn't speak, Derek was surprised to hear his own voice.

"You-you left this at work." He spoke neutrally, and held up the book awkwardly.

"Oh. Well, you can set that on the couch. How-How long have you been standing there?" Spencer asked, heart racing in his chest. He was worried he might be having a heart attack, but when he moved to follow Derek to the couch that thought disintegrated- like his dignity.

"Um, maybe five minutes? Nice dance moves by the way- I've never seen you dance like that." Derek didn't mean to sound cocky- but he had been trying to sound normal, calm.

"Yeah, I don't normally dance in public- that's why you've never seen me dance. Um, I can dance better than that, but, uh, I was cleaning for the Christmas party this year. You know, because it's my turn to hold it this year. I didn't mean for you, or anybody else, to see me like that- I'm so sorry."Spencer rambled on.

"Oh, it's your turn to host the Christmas party? You want help cleaning, or maybe cooking? You know, I'm already here so I might as well help." Derek was trying to get back to regular talking.

"Uh, sure. You can either vacuum or make food- eithers fine. Though I wouldn't know what to make. We never really had Christmas with mom's episodes and everything." Spencer shrugged his shoulders and put his book where it belonged.

"Okay, I'll handle the food then." Derek said, heading back to the kitchen.

So Derek got to work in the kitchen, only asking Spencer every now and again where stuff was. Spencer set to work vacuuming. However, Spencer was almost done and Derek wasn't even close so he knew eventually he'd have to talk to him within the next few hours. Spencer wasn't looking forward to it, the thing that made it worse was the fact that Derek had watched him. Just like he did at the Hotel. Plus every time he even thought about either of those things he went bright red. So, Spencer dragged out the chore.

When Spencer was done, inevitably, he frantically searched for something else to do besides seeing Derek. However, when the time came he entered the kitchen looking anywhere but at the man he had fallen for. He asked if Derek needed any help. Though Spencer was hoping he would say no, a small voice in his head was hoping he would say yes. And Derek did, seeing as he was making the Christmas dinner at a colleague's own house for himself and six more people.

Falling in Love with you- A Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now