Come With Me Friday(punk 5sos)

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A/N Hey guys this is a new 5sos punk fanfiction I'm not 100% sure who is going to be the live interest like wether it will be Michael, Luke, Calum, or Ashton but I'm just gunna go with the flow:)
Hi, My name is Lyric, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm 15 and I'm 5'1. I have dirty blonde hair and 'aqua' eyes. I've never been really skinny but not too heavy. I'm around 120lbs(pounds)-130lbs. Music is my passion and so is traveling. My favourite colour is black and I'm from St. Louis MO in the US. Aka the worst place ever. But anyways I think it's time I start my story.....
I slapped my alarm clock because having to wake up at the ass crack of dawn is not my favourite thing. But then I remembers today's the day. I'm moving to Australia. There is good and bad in this, I HATE this place and the people here but my mom has this new boyfriend who lives In AUS. They met while he was here for vacation with his two stuck-up spoiled ass daughters and him and my mom 'just magically fell in love'. I hate this guy and his family. I want my dad back, he died when I was 12 and I was so hard. I had been depressed before he died and his death pushed me over the edge. I started cutting, a lot. No one knows though.
I ran down stairs to see my mom and sister eating so I ate too then we want to the airport, all of our stuff already there.
----skip flight-----
"LADIES, OVER HERE!" A man in a red polo and khaki shorts yelled to us. My mom ran to him while my sister, Jane, and I slowly walked to him and his daughters. When Jane and I made it to them we shot each other looks because neither of is liked him or his daughters. Bit mostly his daughters.
    "Alright you got your luggage, lets go" John, my moms boyfriend, said. We all walked to the car they had. It was just a red mini van so we could all fit in it. We put our luggage in the trunk and stared our way 'home'. I put my headphones in to drown out Taylor and Lucy's awful singing to the awful music they were listing to. I fell asleep but when I woke up we were at the house

First chapter is up. What do you guys think? tell me what you like and what I need to improve on:)

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