The hut

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As they arrived at A small lifeless hut in the forest. They screamed their lungs out, but no one answered. The hut smelled like somebody died in it, and blood everywhere. They started screaming again.

He gave them some kind of drug to make them faint . When they woke up they found their self tied to a table in a dark room. There were two pieces of bread and a small bottle of dirty water.

They ate the bread and were still hungry. The water was so dirty that made them throw up. The kidnapper opened the door and said" welcome to your new house".
"Where do you think they are" the mom asked "how should I know" answered the dad . The mom kept crying for two hours. The dad went to the police station and made report.

They searched all over the city, but sadly they were in the forest. The news became on tv newspaper and YouTube. The man opened the tv and saw the news, he got really mad and, went in the room beating them.

The mom said to The Police officer maybe he went to the woods? "Then we will search there" said the police officer.

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