Someday, life will hit you hard
With a plummeting blow
A blow that leaves the bones uncrushed but threatens to destroy the soul
One that will leave you sad
No, more than sad
It will leave you more mad than sad
With shocked horror you'll realise your soul is parched
On a lonely long road that stretches forever
Then you'll look for soothing love
All in a bid to quench the thirst of your heart
And give your lonely soul company
But all you'll find are roving, hungry men
Ready to feast on your body
But unready to dine with your soul
Then you will know you're truly alone
When the knight you thought was turns out to be a night without a morning
Giving more lyrics to your songs of sorrow
Filling you with gloom for tomorrow
His dance of sorrow will match yours
Sometimes surpassing yours
Like a skilled drummer, he will drum more pain than you ever imagined was possible
Like an avaricious miner, he will reach and prick where it hurts the most within your soul
Drilling and drilling, he will find and create sores in your bones
Feasting on your insecurities
All while ravishing your flesh
Sucking every twinkle of light from your eyes
Driving your body to wild heights of ecstasy
And plunging your heart deeper down sheol
Creating a mad drive of emotional nightmare
But why would your lover do this?
Because he is also escaping from himself
A hurt angry lion damaging all in its path
That's when you will face hard facts
The ugly truth that life hits hard
This is your most vulnerable moment
When it does, it's better to be alone than with the wrong one
For the wrong one will take what's left of you and leave you truly empty