Broken Wings

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I was free like a bird
I spread my wings and flew
Young and fresh like the morning dew
Innocent and in love
I had no fear
You were the one I held dear
You used to be my knight
Holding me tight through stormy nights
The world was mine to take
The dawn for me was breaking
I felt like your priceless princess 
Nothing could go wrong 
So I thought
The betrayal was swift and painful 
That cold night, you held me 
Kissed me
Promised me forever
Then held me closer
Soon your hand moved up my skirt
I asked you to stop
Told you I did not want to go that far
You said I did not mean it and mocked me
You forcefully had your way
Leaving me with broken wings

I was not ready
Alas, you did not care
I struggled but you held me still
You laughed as you used me
A wicked laugh I had never heard before 
Your features changed right before my eyes
Your ever calm eyes now looked mischievous
Your gentle hands now held me roughly
Your beautiful lips curved mockingly
You looked frightening and so powerful 
You wiped yourself off when you had your fill
Like I was a dirty used doll

Flying is difficult now
I look in the dark and feel alone 
With a broken gaze and a tear soaked pillow
I stay awake all night now
Praying my heart makes it till dawn
Wondering which sign I missed and where I went wrong
But after all is said and done, the painful truth remains 
The wind beneath my wings is indeed gone

Stormy nights do not scare me anymore
The real storm is in my heart and soul
I am still bruised but the pain runs deeper than my fair skin 
It is a pain no medicine can heal
Only words can express this pain
With expression comes healing, so I hear
I hope it is true.

Stretch in and touch my soul
Look within 
See the blankness of my cold eyes
Can you feel the trust betrayed, the hope denied, the innocent love discarded?
I am hurting but my life must go on 
Because my life is worth more than my hurt
Confidence and renewed faith in love is a luxury I struggle to afford now
Life is not as easy as it used to be
But each step I take, every smile I see 
Brings renewed hope to me
The dawn of every new day is a promise that I rise to fly again
A promise I will still soar
Because broken wings get mended too.

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