Chapter 13: Goodbye To You

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Egypt stood before the franchise glaring at Prince. Prince took one step closer to the edge of the franchise and mouthed a 'Goodbye' to Egypt. As he was preparing for his fatality, Egypt's stomach began to cramp. 


 She moaned as she dropped to her knees. The stress she felt from the moment began to affect the child again. Prince stepped away from the edge once he noticed Egypt was in distress. He climbed down from the franchise and moved in closer to her. Egypt had laid in a fetal position clutching her child. Prince grasped her into his arms and cradled her until the cramping had stopped. As he held her, He could see through the imprints of the child through her clothing. The baby had transferred to the right side of her body and its foot was caught in her ribcage. Prince pecked Egypt's cheek and caressed her stomach. 'How could I be so stupid?' He muttered. Egypt's eyes glared into his somber expression honeyedly and touched his cheek softly. 'I don't think you're stupid, Prince.' 'I hurt you and I deserve to die, Egypt.' 'No, Prince. You deserve to live and be a father to my child.' 'Egypt, I know you. I know that look in your eye. I can tell that you don't want me anymore.' Egypt shifted her gaze to the ground. She desperately wanted to compromise with Prince, but she wasn't sure if their relationship could survive this battle. 'Egypt, will you be willing to take me back?' Egypt sighed in response to Prince's query. She did often wonder this. She did often wonder if she would allow Prince to be the man of her life. She could only twiddle his fingers in silence. Prince lowered his head to meet Egypt who was crying to herself. He asked the question once more and Egypt hadn't verbally replied. This time she shook her head negatively to his inquiry. It was official, Egypt and Prince would be no more. 

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