Chapter Six: Winter Cup's Coming

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She puts her sweater on and brushes her pink hair after and ties it into pigtails, like she always does. Skipping on the hallway, Yuno seemed to be very cheerful, since it was now winter. She hurriedly put her wintee boots on and finally opened the door.

The cold wind touched her cheek gently as a big smile was formed on her face. "Ah. Winter." The pink-haired girl happily went to school, hoping to see her emperor today.

~   ~   ~   ~

"You're late." The sharp red eyes stared at the violet-haired guy by the gym's door. Everybody paused and left the ball bouncing until it was still on the floor. The munching of chips echoed inside the gymnasium while silence ruled.

"Continue. There's no point in giving him a lesson, Akashi-kun." Momoi stated and handed him the ball.

As they were about to play again, they heard screams getting louder and louder as the clock ticks. They all landed a glance on the door and waited...

"This is so familiar." Midorima said while waiting for them to suddenly appear and start cheering.

"Yeah. Them again." A slightly annoyed Aomine added.




"Here they go!"



"Fan girls." Momoi sighed upon hearing the girls scream the model's name again and again.

Akane's P.O.V

Fan girling isn't really a part of me. Yet, I'm here, getting devoured by a crowd full of fan girls. "Kise!" All around.

"He's so handsome, right?" A friend of mine, who's obviously a big fan of Kise asked me.

"Ha? Yes." I wasn't really paying attention to her. Because I totally didn't care.

"Ouch! E--Excuse me. I'm out of here." I struggled my way out of the crowd and finally breathe in fresh air. "Ahh" My palms were facing the shiny floor and so did my knees.

"Oh! Akane-san, are you alright?" A hand that looked so smooth reached out. I looked at the hand and laid my eyes on the face where the sweet voice belongs.

"Satsuki, thanks!" I grabbed her hand and stood on my own two feet. I cleaned my skirt with my hand and fixed my long red hair.

Third person P.O.V

Kise was surrounded by his fan girls as they struggled to get a fan sign from the yellow-haired basketball player. The other GoM members sighed and went to sit on the bench.

"My, my. Winter cup is fast approaching." Momoi sighed and started to comb her hair with her fingers, while studying something written on her list.

"Studying your opponents?" Akane asked as she sat down next to the basketball team's manager.

"Damn that Kise. Keeping all those girls for himself." Aomine comppained while somewhat drooling and staring at the cute girls.

"At this moment, girls must vanish from your minds. Winter cup is coming." Akashi reminded his teammates.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be fan girling like the other girls?" The red-haired boy asked Akane.

"Well, I'm not into those things." She raised a brow and stood up to face the questioner. She crossed her arms and waited for a response.

"Shall we continue our practice?" Midorima butted in. The other members nodded and stood up.

"Get those obsessed girls out of here." Akashi ordered.

"Kise!" Aomine shouted while dribbling the ball. "Practice!" He added.

~   ~   ~   ~

So, it took me so long to update because of the exams. And unfortunately, this chapter is too short.

I'm sorry. But I have something in mind for the next chapter!

Vote and Comment. It'll encourage me to write more ^-^

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