Chapter Nine: Fiery

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Before I start chapter nine, let me give you the summary of the previous chapter so you won't have a hard time connecting the details since it took me a long time to update :)


The Teiko basketball team (Generation of Miracles) won, as expected. Akane and her friend, Masaki, went back to school right after the game ended.

The GoM rode a bus to school together with Gasai Yuno since their stop is the same, Teiko school.

Upon arriving at school, Kuroko woke up Murasakibara and together, they went down the bus to see the other members crowding the bulletin board.

In their shock, the bulletin board showed the top students of their batch. Unfortunately, Akashi was on second place while Midorima went one rank lower than his usual rank (third).

Yuno, knowing that Akane Miyamoto was ranked as one, was angry for it made Akashi disappointed and pissed.

Now,here's chapter 9!

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The GoM was obviously late for their afternoon classes. But they didn't care since they knew they are excused considering the fact that they brought Teiko another victory.

"Third?" Midorima mumbled the same word again as he walked with the other members to thier classroom. 

"Midorima-kun?" Momoi poked him.

"Oy, can't you just move on?" Aomine complained as he stopped walking and turned to face the green-haired boy who seemed to be out of earth right now. He, ranking as third must be very unacceptable for him.

 "Shh." Kuroko was standing in front of the door, ready to open it. "Open it." Murasakibara said while taking his last bite on his chocolate bar.

"Here they are, the victors." Their teacher said while acting to be proud of the basketball team. The class synchronizing clapped their hands and welcomed the members.

"Miyamoto.." A piercing high-pitched voice broke the welcoming atmosphere and continued in a psycho-like tone and said "Akane!" Then the pink-haired girl came rushing to the room with her brows twitched.

With eyes wide opened and filled with confusion, Akane slowly stood, not bothering if their teacher will give her a scolding. "Do you have a problem?" She said while staring straight at Yuno.

"Yes. There is!" The enraged girl answered with a vexed face.

"Settle down, shall we." The teacher interrupted the commotion in class. "Might as well listen for now and fight later when I'm gone." He added "Tch" and gave a sign of exasperation.

"I give you my deepest apology, sir." Akane immediately backed down and sighed while fixing her skirt. She glanced over Yuno who was still staring at her with eyes filled with annoyance.

Yuno didn't seem to calm down even after the teacher told them to. "Stand up you cowar--" She was suddenly cut off by her idolized man.

"Cut this garbage, Gasai. We have a class to attend to." Akashi stated while heading to his seat. Kuroko and the other members of the basketball team went to their seats like their captain did so. Everyone was ready for the discussion to resume except for Yuno who was still fiery.

"Tch." Without arguing with the red-haired boy, she sat on her chair on the front row quite in the middle, with all eyes on her so-called 'rival'--Akane. The girl being stared at felt uneasy in view of the fact that Yuno's lunatic aura was immense.

The classes ended with heavy ambience around the room. Akane breathe out and grabbed all her things that very moment in order to avoid the hot-headed Gasai Yuno. She packed her things and made an attempt to go out the room without the other girl noticing but she eventually failed.

Yuno blocked her way and slid the door close. "Trying to make one's getaway? How pathetic!"She exclaimed while walking towards her prey.

While shivering in her shoes, she tried to stay calm and keep her self-esteem high. "No, I wasn't trying to flee." She expressed as she was slowly walking away from the advancing threat.

"Uh. Gasai? I need to lock the doors now. You better go home now. Everybody left already except for the both of you." One of heir classmates said. "Yeah. We need to get going." Akane agreed and started to walk to the door behind Yuno.

"Mind your own business! We have something to settle. Leave, menace!" Upon hearing those words, the innocent man left the key on the table by the door and asked a favor -- "So I.. I think you have to lock it yourself, n-ne?" And away he went, leaving the two girls alone in the room.

"Shit. It's getting late." Akane mumbled under her breath. "There's nothing I can do for you, Gasai. Go home now and so will I." 

"No one orders me around. Face me, weakling!" Yuno is picking a fight in this moment.

"Excuse me?!" Akane's sentiment somewhat changed from threatened into annoyed upon hearing Yuno addressing her as a weakling.

"You're my most hated person. I just have to kill you now."

"I have done nothing wrong!"

"Yes you did! In fact, many!" She pulled out something shiny as the twilight sky reflected on it.

"G-Gasai, stop it!"

"You don't understand. I have to do this!"

"D--did.. Did you hear that, Midorimacchi?"

"Stop imagining things."

"Let's get out of here. There are evil ghosts here! I don't care about your lucky item."

"I must get it in the classroom or I will have bad luck!"

"Damn." She hid the knife and fastly approached the frightened red-haired girl who was about to piss herself.

"P-please, n-no.." Akane tried to struggle and then her vision went blurry until everything was pitch black.

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Gomen, gomen. Gomenasai for the very very very late update. It's been like hundred years since the last chapter was released.

Anyway, what do you think happened? =3=

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1.) Hunted

2.) Drops of Ink

3.) Hangman

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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