Hylia and Demise

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When Sheik told me the triforce was on display here I thought it was a joke... but he was right. Here I was standing in front of Demise. "Hylia, what a surprise... what brings you to my humble museum?" She questions flicking her long molten hair over her shoulder.

You know exactly why I am here. Bring me the man that found the triforce." She narrows her eyes looking over my shoulder at a strangely dressed demon... one I remember very clearly from our past. Ghirahim... the demon lord who has a blond and a silver haired man following behind him. But nothing could have prepared me for seeing them together. Dark was headed our way pulling Link who was staring at him lovingly...

I stared at the demon who in all our previous lives had stolen Link from me. Since he was Links Shadow they were always reincarnated together... but not us... I had to spend my lifetimes looking for him only to see him in love with someone else. I stare at Link who seems to stare at me almost as if I am familiar to him. I stare at him sadly before I order my guards to confiscate the triforce from this museum. The one thing I also didn't expect was for it to be run by Demise...

The one person who had been my other half when I was a goddess. She's stunning in her gown as she stares around the room at everyone as though she owns them. She was always too ambitious that's why I couldn't stop her in the past. Dark was absolutely rabid as I tried to take the triforce of power with me. When an explosion draws our attention Sheik is wrapped around me in an instant shielding me from the blow.I look over to see Dark covering Link, I stare at Link seeing his head crack against the floor. I was going to run to him to save him only to have Sheik grip me tighter, we both saw it a phantom from all of our pasts riding in on a demon horse.

"Gannon!" I call out seeing a masked warrior holding a spear perched atop the horse. The commands he speaks to his horse are in the form of ancient gerudian royalty used to speak. He raises his weapon and instantly I know how this is going to go down. He uses his weapon to swipe at the glass breaking it apart and the shard seems to go to him almost as if it's being called to him. he raises it and I watch in horror as the triforces reappear on our skin but wisdom and courage aren't filled in only power. I turn back to see Demise laughing as she walks over to Dark,

"Come now slave you are needed!" She snaps her fingers allowing a black leather collar to appear around his neck as he undergoes his transformation back into a shadow, while Link lays unconscious on the floor. Darks screams are deafening as he tries to fight her power with all of his might but in the end she is too strong, I stare into his ruby eyes seeing his humanity leaving him. His skin begins to darken until hes no more than a shadow at his mistresses feet.

"Kill the Hero of time and bring me the master sword." She says as she lets her pet have free reign of his body once more. Dark doesnt hesitate but niether do Sheik and I. We both run to the hero, Sheik fighting Dark off while I go to heal Link. I cradle his head on my lap seeing the bloody tear on his face, I wipe it away. I then feel a surge of magic in my palm as my hand begins to glow a beautiful sky blue colour. I slowly lower it to Links head and I hesitate for a moment. A cruel thought crosses my mind, I look up at Sheik who is fighting Dark Link off easily.

I want him to forget he was ever in love with him. When I do my magic changes colours into a crimson red colour. If he finds out what I plan to do he will hate me forever, but I have to try. I place my gloved hand on his head slowly carding my fingers through his soft blonde locks. I hear a soft whimper escape his lips, I cant help but feel guilty because im erasing his entire existance from Links mind. I look around us to see that Demise and Ghirahim have already fled with Gannon leaving us to deal with their mess. I sigh watching as Sheik knocks him back and in that moment I use my magic to create a barrier around him binding him to the spot where he now stands. He screams out in pain as the light shocks him, Links eyes snap open at that and I block the demon from his view.

"Sheik the water temple, imprison him there." The demon continues roaring as Sheik gets closer using an old sheikah sleeping power on him. Links blinking at me at confused as I help him sit up.

"Are you alright?" He nods closing his eyes for a moment his hand going to the back of his head, wincing as he touches where he hit his head.

"Where am I?" He says softly looking at me his big blue eyes so serious.

"You are in a museum where the triforce was held, You are the hero of time reborn." He looks at his own hands before looking up at Sheik who has already pulled Dark over his shoulder.

"I remember... but theres blanks... alot of them." He says softly not even bothering to question about Dark.

"I am Zelda Princess of Hyrule, Im here to ask you to help me get the triforce back. To help me save all of Hyrule." He looks every bit as confident as the previous warriors before him.

"Ill do it, My Queen." He says taking my hand in his placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. I smile softly, this is the way it was supposed to be a queen and her knight. He stands lifting me to my feet, I watch as he takes in the damaged state of the museum.

"My car... Fi Shes in there." He says wincing sllightly as he stumbles towards the door. I follow behind him as he finds his way to the car, he pats down his pockets until he finds his keys, he opens the trunk staring at the twin duffle bags in confusion. He picks the green one unzipping it to give way to the master sword. He lifted it watching as Fi came out of the sword.

"Ah the sword sprite, Its been a long time Fi." She turns to me bowing down.

"Goddess Hylia, Its a pleasure to see my creator once more." I nod as she turns back to Link.

"Master there is a 99 percent chance your memory..." I stopped her with only a glance in her direction.

"My memory what Fi?" He questions looking at his blade.

"You have begun regaining it." She finishes her souless eyes on me.

"Yes Fi I have, im going to need you to get through this." He says grinning at the blue sprite.

"Of course master I was created to serve you." I looked between the two.

"Come to Hyrule castle, we shall come up with a plan there." Link frowned looking over at me and he looks every bit as the hero he was before this.

"Forgive my rudenss my queen. But Hyrule is in danger, I will find my way as I have before. I will save my home." He says softly bowing his head to me, I nod agreeing with his decision.

"Sheik will accompany you, He has brought you a gift from your home." I saw watching as Sheik reappears behind me.

"Brother, give him the heroes tunic." Sheik bowed his head before offering Link the forest green outfit he had worn so many times before. Link smiled fondly sliding his fingers against the strong material.

"Thank you my queen, I shall wear it on my travels." I smile taking a few steps closer before placing a gentle hand on his cheek. His face turns pink before he leans into my hand placing his over my own. Something seems to tick in his memory at the way we are right now and it causes him to pull away shaking his head.

"I...I'm sorry. We should go... Sheik let us be on our way." Sheik nods again walking to Links side as I bid them farewell and pray that the goddesses bless their journey.

The Reign of Queen DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now