curiouser and curiouser

312 11 1

|| I don't own south park, coraline, pip etc etc etc all rights to their respective owners don't sue me Taylor Swift ||

         Pip couldn't say his time in the small mountain town known as South Park was overly positive, after all it was so very different from where he used to live that becoming homesick was almost inevitable. Not to mention the teasing that he most certainly hadn't experienced back in London,  apart from Estella who was more than merciless towards everyone she met, though he let the insults go over head in order to keep the same beaming smile steady and constant on his rather cherub like face, But no one can ignore it forever.

      His faint humming bounced in the almost empty street, arms swinging by his side as he half skipped his way through the piled snow that was dislodged by the heel of his shoe. He always left school late recently, though he hadn't quite decided whether it was for his safety or education, either way he found himself being trampled a lot less which was a plus!~ Eyes moving from concrete below him to the roads in front as he moved across entering the small garden that encased the house he called home.

    Pips step parents were kind enough, most of the time at least, and he was ever grateful for them letting him stay with them despite it not being the most pleasant experience, their house was small but warm and even though they weren't often at home it held a  family like aura that was little of a comfort to the Brit. He opened the door with a soft push and quickly assessed the place, the silence that met him and cup still on the table from the morning told him he was perfectly alone. He let a small sigh of disappointment slip before forcing a smile shaking his head with mumble of 'Come now, pip!' taking the cup into his hands moving it into the kitchen, taking a few simple seconds to rinse it before placing it neatly in the cupboard with the others.

      He often wondered why they owned so much pottery considering he himself used the same daily, and on the chance his step parents were home it was still only a sweet group of three. He shook off the idea and started up the staircase to his smaller room at the end of a short hall, the door still partially open from his exit, slipping in with a pleased hum at the sight of his nightshirt hung neatly on the back of the door taking it down into his hands removing the rest of his clothes, apart from his boxers of course! that would be awfully lewd! Starting to tug the white material over his head brushing strands of blonde away from his eyes.

     Pip paused, looking through the gap left by a button, seeing a small white mouse by his feet, a smile tugging his cheeks up at the sight of the creature. Tugging his shirt down he took a closer look at the little rodent that seemed to stare back "Ah!, Hello there, Arent you a dear little- Oh bugger!" he sighed biting on his bottom lip as it darted just out of sight and back into the corridor. Glancing at his bed and going against all better judgement he let his feet guide him out after the mouse, watching it scurry ahead, he tilted his head slightly as the thing seemed to stop and start waiting for him to catch up "..Are you waiting for me?.." he questioned before mentally slapping himself for being naive enough to speak to an animal.

His lips parted slightly as he reached the end of his and the mouses small trail through the house, being met with what looked like a small door, open just a crack from the rodents escape, a purple light seeping through. He could only say it reminded him of a story he used to read, of a young girl, Alice if he remembered right. He lowered onto his knees and reached out a hand to further inspect but was interrupted  by a loud knocking on the front door. Then another mere seconds later, he soon recognised the impatient grumbling and rose back to his feet abandoning the small passage at least for now "Down in a minute, Damien!"

|| If you made it this far i applaud you, i know its boring but its the first chapter ye old prick, stick around for the interesting stuff ||

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