Damien ye' old Douche

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  || So uh idk mate im mainly writing for my own entertainment lmao ||

        Pip allowed him self to be pulled away from his own discovery in order to stop the hammering on his front door, gently tugging the door knob not surprised by the scowl he was met with "Ello, Damien" he smiled with patience, hands cupping neatly in front of him after tugging down his shirt with a flash of  embarrassment "Do you need something from me?, its rather late for you to call.."

     He stumbled slightly as Damien pushed his way inside looking around before finally giving a basic "Pip" in what he could only assume was a greeting. He thought of Damien as a friend, a little insulting but nothing worse than how the others treated him, usually better in-fact. The Brit had to admit he didn't pay that much attention as the other started to ramble, he was tired and his blue eyes wandered until he felt a hand clamp down hard on his shoulder and he jolted. "Were you listening to me?!" came the demonic ones snapped scolding, pip staring up at him giving a slight nod "Y-yes, of course, Damien" he lied, lying was better than having him repeat himself.

    Damien frowned, crossing his arms, the blonde could practically feel his doubt and gave a nervous chuckle swinging on his heels. "Then you'll let me know, wont you?" the raven asked raising an eyebrow, smirking in amusement as he watched the shorter male crack, "Right-o, if you need me to!" he replied breathlessly, smiling to mask his lack of knowledge and utter confusion, "Fine then" the demon waved a hand in dismissal  starting to make his way to the door, glancing back over his shoulder with a smirk and chuckle "Oh, And pip, buy a longer shirt, if you freeze to death i wont bring you back again".

    The very words made Pip shiver and he was glad to see the door close shut, locking it with a sigh of relief before once again letting his bare feet patter against the carpet as he started up the stairs. He stopped for just a moment to glance at the room where the small door had been and wilted in disappointment when it wasn't there, not that he was surprised, he'd learned the hard way that nothing good stays for all that long. Instead of linger he went back to his room and pondered briefly what on earth Damien was so animated about telling him, perhaps it was simply  more of his fathers business which he was used to hearing by now. Whatever it was, it didn't interrupt his beauty sleep.


     Pip  thought it was around eleven pm when he was woken again by scuffling beside him, blinking his eyes open slowly, nose wrinkling as they adjusted to the dimmed lighting pushing stray strands of yellow from his face, moving up into sitting. Quickly enough he focused on the same mouse he'd seen earlier crouched on his bedside table simply staring right back, he sighed "You again..Must you bother me now?- Oh don't make me chase you!" his voice was a whining whisper, sighing in frustration as he forced himself out of bed to once again follow after the rodent with a childish huff. Soon after he'd left the comfort of his room he felt his eyes grow two sizes, a soft purple light bathed the corridor with sparkling blue creating a path along the carpeted floor.

    His mouth opened slightly his pace becoming faster as he ran through the small corridor, crouching down onto his knees lips pulling up into a grin at the sight of his small mystery door. This time it was wide open, the inside moving side to side in a gentle sway, it looked like a misshapen tunnel of sorts radiating soft spurts of light. The mouse broke his trail of thought as it dived into the tunnel and ran along with a squeak, vanishing through the other side.

    Pip bit down on his lip gently, for a second he stayed crouched before slowly placing one hand into the tunnel, then another, moving forward through the glowing purple wormhole that seemed to call out and draw him further and further in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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