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Gathering our clothes, we slide them back onto our bodies and then sit together on the log. I look up at Carlisle, afraid of what I might see.
"Are you ashamed of what we did?" I ask.
"I'm not ashamed. I'm disappointed in myself. I made a promise not to have sex until marriage. Are you upset with me? I did not mean to disrespect you in any way." he says, looking at me with worry.
"Of course not. I wanted this Carlisle. I love you." I say, kissing him on the lips.
There is a rustling in the bushes, making us both jump. A man in the same uniform as Carlisle steps out and onto the path.
"Captain." Carlisle says, standing up.
"Cullen. What are you doing out here? And with a woman from North America?" he asks, getting mad.
"Captain, I can explain-"
"Cullen, you're in big trouble. You are forbidden to talk to this woman ever again. In fact, your freedom shall be revoked. Someone will be with you at all times. After you fight, you come back and go straight to your tent." he says, grabbing a whistle from his pocket. He blows into it and four men from Britain come running from the trail to stand behind him.
"Boys, take Carlisle back to camp and escort this young lady back to her side." he orders. Two men grab my arms and lift me from the ground. They grab Carlisle's arms as well but just begin to drag him
"No, Captain, please. Esme!" he shouts, fighting the men. I struggle too to get back to him.
"Carlisle!" I shout, reaching out for him. One of the men grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder while the other begins to tie my wrists together.
"You go. I've got this." one of them says.
"You sure, Evenson?" the other asks.
"Yeah. I'll meet up with you later." Evenson says.
"Alright. Thanks Charles." he says, jogging away. I watch with fearful eyes as we stray from the path, furthering ourselves into the trees.
Sitting on a log, I wait for those men to come back from taking my Esme. Refusing to sleep until they do, I make myself stay awake into the early hours of the morning. Finally, one of them walks back onto our camp.
"Is she alright?" I ask quietly when I realize that it's my buddy, Michael.
"Yeah. She fought but she's fine. I only carried her halfway. And then Evenson relieved me of my duties. He said he could handle her." Mike said, sitting down beside me.
"Evenson? I've never heard of him." I say, wondering who Esme had been left alone with.
"Charles Evenson. Dark hair, mustache, tall." he describes the man. I shake my head and shrug.
"Hm. Well I've heard he's nice." Mike says.
"Nice? Charles Evenson? Yeah that's a funny joke." our other friend, Amargo, says sitting in front of us.
"What have you heard?" I ask, leaning toward him.
"Well Missy said that he always hits on the female helpers. She said that he harasses them until they agree togo out with them. And she said-" he stops himself, glancing up at me.
"What? What did she say?" I ask.
"Nothing. She didn't say anything else." he says, standing up.
"Please, Amargo. You're lying." I say, following him toward his tent.
"I'm sorry. I just...sorry." he says, ducking into his tent.
Just as he disappears, Charles stumbles out of the woods, looking very drunk. One of his buddies walks up to him and says something, to which Charles smiles and nods, giving his friend a high five.
I step closer to them, trying to hear what they're saying. Stopping a few feet from them, I listen closely.
"..but she felt good. I mean nice and tight. Obviously a virgin." Charles says.
"And she didn't fight you?" his friend asks.
"No, she did. You should see my back. But, I could've done better. I mean Esme wasn't even that good looking." he says, stumbling away from his friend. Blood rushes to my head, my vision turning red as I realize what he's done. Without thinking, I rush toward Charles and grab him by the collar of his shirt, punching him in the face.
I punch him a few times until he is limp in my hand and I feel people pull me off of him. He looks at me through a bloody eye.
"Don't you ever touch her again, Evenson. You sick son of a bitch!" I shout, earning gasps. I had never been one to hit or curse. But something just snapped within me when I heard what he had done to my Esme.
Just as I see Captain come out of his tent, a shot echos through the dark night. Captain crumples to the ground, clutching his bleeding wound. I gasp as I realize that we are being attacked.
I quickly grab my gun and take cover, trying to find whoever is shooting at us. They're hiding in the bushes, in the trees, some even come out of our tents. Just as we begin to gain on them, killing off more of their men than they manage to kill ours, I feel a sharp pain in my right leg. Looking down, I see a fresh wound made by a bullet.
Attempting to limp toward the medical tent, I feel another shot in my right arm. I push through the pain and run into the woods. I won't be any help on the field if I'm injured. I'll just be a sitting duck. I push through the trees and the sticks until I can't run any longer.
I sit on the ground, leaning against a boulder. Ripping open the fabric of my pants, I assess my bullet wound.
I lay there for hours, waiting for someone to find me, too weak to stand on my own. Eventually, I feel myself becoming tired as my breathing becomes labored.
I force myself to open my eyes, wondering if my imagination is playing cruel tricks on me by letting me hear my Esme's voice. But when I open my eyes, I see the blurry outline of her beautiful figure.
"Esme." I breathe out with a smile. She crouches down beside me, pushing my sweaty hair away from my forehead.
"Oh Carlisle." she whispers, trying to stop the bleeding on my leg and arm.
"Esme. It no...use." I whisper, taking her hand in my weak one.
"How long have you been lying here?" she asks.
"Only...a few...hours." I manage to breathe out. She gasps and covers her mouth with the hand that isn't holding mine.
"Oh my...Carlisle." she sobs out. I slowly reach up and clumsily wipe the tears from her cheeks. Her hand covers mine as she cries.
My eyesight darkens, her sobs fading away as I slowly slip away.

I watch as his eyes lose the lively bright blue color and turn to a dull blue grey. They stare past me and I realize that Carlisle is gone.
A man steps out from the bushes, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me away from Carlisle. My sobs have silenced themselves and I feel myself become distant, as if my soul had left with Carlisle's.
I barely notice when the man lies me down on the ground and undresses me, having his way with me. My eyes slowly go to the man's face and I recognize him as Charles, the man who raped me last night.
Not caring about my own well being anymore, I lay there naked on the dirt long after he leaves. Sooner or later, I sit up and pull my dress over my body, standing up and walking back to my side of the camp.
"Esme!" I jump and realize that the head doctor has been talking to me this whole time. He looks at me with worry.
"Are you alright?" he asks. I numbly nod, wishing he would leave me alone.
"You don't look so good. I think i'll have Louis check you out." he says, calling over Dr. Louis, the closest thing to we have to a psychiatrist.
"Alright miss Platt, can you tell me about your day?" he asks. I stare past him, at the path in the woods that leads to our tree.
He asks me more questions but his voice blends in with the ringing noise in the back of my head. After a few minutes, he walks away to talk to the head doctor. Eventually, they send me home, telling me that i'm mentally unstable to be on the field.

I know it's been a while. S/o to ThePediatricSurgeon for helping me come up with ideas. Everyone should go check out her stories. They're really good! XOXO

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