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I arrive back at the camp to see the troops being sent off. My feelings for these soldiers have changed. I used to see them as heroes, but now, knowing that any one of them could kill my Carlisle, they are all the enemy. Nevertheless, it is my job to tend to the injured, so for now, I wait. Easier said than done. A few hours after they marched off, the first shot was heard, followed by multiple shots. I begin to pace the tent with worry.
"Don't fret. I'm sure we will win." one of the nurses says, touching my shoulder. I give her my best smile and nod, trying to hide the pain behind it.
The first men come stumbling up the hill, two big men with an injured, bleeding soldier in between them. Multiple nurses rush toward the men, helping them.
I wait for the next injured man. After waiting for several moments, I become irritated. I look around and see multiple nurses looking at the hill, waiting. I huff and step out of the tent.
"To hell with this." I say, earning multiple gasps from men and women.
"I'm going out there. I'm going to save the soldiers who are injured on the battlefield." I say, grabbing a medical bag. A few other nurses grab bags and follow me over the hill and down toward the horrific scene. I kneel next to the first bloody man I see who has a bullet wound in his left femur.
"This might hurt." I tell him, pouring alcohol into his wound. His entire being tenses up as he lets out a scream of agony. I quickly wrap the wound and help him up, supporting his weight as I lead him toward the tent where the surgeons will take care of him. Once I am finished, I hurry back down to the field. This goes on for hours until the sun dips down below the trees and the troops march back to their camp, leaving the dead in their place.
I quickly go back to the tent to assess the non emergent injuries.
"Esme, you may go. You've done more than enough today. Thank you for everything." one of the head doctors says, touching my shoulder.
"Thank you doctor." I say, grabbing my coat. I step out of the tent and look around at the soldiers. There are very few that don't have at least a small injury. Most have cuts and burns. Thinking about Carlisle, I grab my medical kit and take off into the woods to reach the tree. My stomach churns at the thought that he might now show.
I finally reach the tree and pace in front of it on the path. Setting my bag down at the root of the tree, I begin to wring my hands with worry. What if he didn't make it? I mean I barely know him, yet he means so much to me already.
After about an hour, tears begin to form in my eyes at the thought of having lost him. My Carlisle. I slowly pick up my bag and turn to go back to my camp.
I stop in my tracks and turn around. There he is. Carlisle Cullen. Dropping my bag to the ground, I run and throw myself into his arms. He engulfs me in a hug, spinning around once before setting me back down.
"Oh, Carlisle. I thought I lost you." I sob. He wipes the tears from my cheeks.
"My apologies miss Esme. Some of the women made dinner. I came as fast as I could." he says, stroking my cheek.
I take a step back to assess his injuries. Nothing too bad. A small cut on his cheek and a wound on his leg. I grab my bag and bring it back to him.
"Sit." I tell him.
"Yes ma'am." he says, sitting on a tree stump.
"What happened to your leg?" I ask, focusing on that first.
"It's just a small burn." he says. I grab the fabric and pull, tearing it open. Grabbing a cream from my bag, I scoop it out and gently rub it into his wound. He winces in pain and then sighs.
"Oh my. That feels amazing." he says, his eyelids slowly shutting. His lips pull up into a small smile.
"You can have it. We have more at the base. Apply it when you wake up and before you go to sleep." I tell him, closing it and handing him the can.
"You are too much, miss Esme." he says. The way my name dances off of his tongue in his British accent sends chills down my spine.
"And what happened to your cheek?" I ask, sitting beside him on the stump.
"That would be the aftermath of a fist to the face." he says, chuckling. I grab his face, inspecting the cut closely.
"It's not deep. You won't need stitches." I say, turning away to grab a bandage.
"Oh no. You're not...I'm not wearing a bandaid on my face." he says.
"Well you'll get an infection." I tell him.
"Better that than get beat up by my own troop." he said chuckling.
"Fine. Apply this when you apply your burn ointment. It'll prevent the infection." I tell him, handing him another can.
"Thank you, miss Esme." he says, taking the other jar. He looks into my eyes for a moment before stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers.
"May I ask you a question?" he asks softly. I nod, not trusting my voice.
"Would you do me the honor of allowing me to court you, miss Esme?" he asks. A smile spreads across my face and I nod enthusiastically.
"Yes. Yes of course." Without thinking, I place a quick kiss on his cheek and hug him tightly.
Our relationship goes on like this for months. Carlisle would sneak out whenever he could and would find me waiting every single time. One night, our relationship took another step forward when he brought me a ring made of string, leaves, and other things found in the forrest.
"My dear Esme, I am unable to go out and buy you a real ring, but i've made one. This ring symbolizes my love for you. It's a promise ring. A promise that one day, I will give my heart to you, completely and wholly. I love you." he says.
"Oh Carlisle," I say smiling. "I love you too."
He slides the ring onto my finger and pulls me in for a hug. At least that's what I thought. I went to kiss his cheek as he went to kiss mine. In the end, our lips ended up touching, sending sparks into our bodies. We jump back with shock.
"I'm sorry, I meant to kiss your cheek." he says. I giggle and pull him back to me, our lips crashing back together. Becoming energized by the sudden physical contact, I push him off of the log we sit on and onto the ground, climbing on top of him. He rolls us over, hovering over me.
"Carlisle." I whisper, my voice shaking.
"Yes?" he squeaks out.
"Make love to me." I whisper. His eyes darken and he lowers himself onto me, obeying my quiet command.

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