Im the grim reaper

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Mwahahaha another one. This one was fun to write. Don't forget to vote on your favorite so it can get a full story.

I watched as the life drained from her eyes and smiled. The machine beside her bed let out a ear piercing beep. Finally. I skipped back and fourth tossing my blonde wavy hair and humming some Purity Ring song (best band ever) while I waited for her soul to take ghost form. I spun in a circle. This was my last one today then I could go home to a lovely foreclosure downtown. "Who the hell are you? And where am I?" I spun around and came face to face with the women I'd been dying to send to hell for thirty years. "oh Thank God. Quite literally in fact. Anyhow I'm not important I'm just here to shove your soul into the lovely afterlife of eternal damnation and you are......Victoria Bellbuckle. That's a really stupid last name if you ask me."  I pulled out my book of souls as the lady looked at her dead body laying on the bed. I flipped to the correct page as she let out a shriek and collapsed to the ground." Why do all you humans do that. Your all like oh dear god I'm dead. Oh no the horror. I'm dead and I'm absolutely healthy and gorgeous." I started fuming through the pages," Venny, Vallory, Vanessa are there so many names starting with V's in your family. What a bunch of pricks. Ah Ha! Here you are. Victoria BellBuckle. Ok good bad scale. Good: donations to charity. Well done Vicky, but we all know you only donated because of that hot firefighter that was collecting the money. Am I right or what?" I nudged her with my foot as she stood up taking in all of this. I assume." Ah ok now that your paying attention lets get down to the bad stuff aye? Hmmm..bullying all through your grade school years. Naughty naughty. Drunk driving in high school which killed a fellow student. Well I hope impressing your friends by drinking those extra beers was worth it. Oh and may I say you shattered a few hearts in your college years also. Anyway the list only declines from there. Abuse, murder. You do remember Elizabeth don't you?" Victoria's eyes widened,"That was an accident. I didn't mean to." I gave a small laugh," Yeah and I didn't eat McDonald's for lunch, but my diaherrea begs to differ." I tapped my pen on my mouth and tapped my foot," What was it that Elizabeth wanted me to tell you...what was it? Oh yeah. She told me to tell you,'see you in hell' . I let her take the easy way down but don't worry you'll be acquainted with her soon." The lady looked pissed now so I put my pen in my pocket and snapped my book out of existence. "Yes?" I inquired. Victoria stomped her foot and shouted at me," WHO ARE YOU?" I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my ripped jeans and smiled menacingly at her," I'm the Bloody grim reaper and I'm her to send you to hell. For years I've watched you and wanted to collect your soul and toss it into hell. I've been patient but now your all mine. " I grabbed her arm and her essence began to fade. She shrieked in fear and began to plead for forgiveness," Please I don't deserve this oh god please save me." I looked into her eyes and whispered," No one can save you now bitch." Her ghost form erupted in flames and disappeared. I know where she is now I know she is getting the pain she deserved.
I dusted the imaginary ash off my leather jacket and skipped out of hospital wing singing ring around the roses. Was I insane? probably. I stopped skipping as I got to the ward that hosts all the critically sick humans. As I walk past I can see the people inside. Walter Finnegan leukemia I have to come for him tomorrow. Casey Barns rare Case of the flu. She'll get over it and live till she's 85, then one day wrong place wrong time. Elena Mccormick heart failure, she has a year left. Her family comes to see her everyday which is good. The thing I hate about my job is seeing the innocent die, but I send them where they need to go or else someone else takes there place and it's even worse. I make it past the terminally/critically ill ward and into the main hospital lobby thing. Never really bothered with the names. I tripped a doctor as they past and giggled. The funny part is no one can see me so just looks like the doctor fell on his own. Not being seen can get pretty annoying but I make it work. One time this drunk guy was flirting with this poor hostess who looked miserable so I decided to spill apple juice on his pants to make it look like he peed himself. I know it was lame but the reaction from the hostess was priceless.
Anyhow I spin around the corner and walk straight through a guy pushing a wheelchair."Hey I'm WALKIN' here!" I shout knowing he can't hear me but it was instinct. "Dad stop I heard something. Dad, Dad stop turn the chair around." Said the person in the wheel chair, it was obviously a teenage boy. I heard the man pushing the wheelchair, which I assumed was the teens father groan," Trey if it's those freakin voices again I swear I'm gonna kill you, because I didn't hear anything." The man turned the wheelchair around and the teen made eye contact with me or I guess with someone behind me because he couldn't see me. "Who are you?" The teen asked in an insane voices. I turned to see who he was talking to but there was no one there. I swiveled back around wide eyes," can see me?" My voice cracked. The dad hit the back of the wheelchair," God! Trey there's no one there. That's it we are sending you to the clinic in the morning." The dad turned the wheelchair back around but the boy turned his head and watched me until they disappeared around the corner.
He saw me.

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