A guy called Venny

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Ok this short story's setting is post apocalyptic. This is NOT a zombie apocalypse but more of a nuclear/no electronic/ government decay apocalypse. Anyhow I hope you enjoy. Remember to comment on which prompt story is best because the winner gets a full story. Sorry for any mistakes. Now sit back, grab your popcorn,and enjoy.

My eyes lids felt heavy and my head was pounding. I groaned and realized I was in pain. When I finally forced my eyes to open, they burned, I pulled my hands down to rub my throbbing eyes but my hands were caught in something. I glanced up and saw tightly wrapped ropes circled around my wrists.  The rope was attached to a hook which was hanging from the ceiling. That's when I remembered what happened, the images came rushing back. The swords, the bandits, the blood, the darkness. Oh god. I tugged roughly, trying to pull the ropes off, but nothing happened. The friction of the rope cut at my skin as I yanked frantically try to free myself. Thats when I heard a muffled cough followed by," don't bother. I froze. I slowly looked over to discover a thin girl bound the same way on the opposite side of the room. Although it was dark I could see her bruised eyes and bloody wrists. " I already tried." she said dully, void of emotion. She wore a halter top, which exposed numerous cuts which were crusted in dried blood, and cameo skinny jeans. She wasn't wearing shoes and her platinum blonde hair hung down, splattered in blood and plastered to her face. I have to get out of here. A loud crash erupted above us and light cascaded in. I cast my face away from the light and footsteps echoed down the stairs to my left. "Well well well Venny I didn't think you would come back again to chit chat." The girl said sarcastically and filled with malice. Once my eyes stopped burning I directed them to the person now walking up to the girl," now now Margaret you know I always come back for you." I watched as he placed his hand on her cheek. She turned her head, obviously repulsed by his touch, and tried to lean as far away from him as possible. Then he did something I didn't expect. He reared his hand back and slapped her. "Hey! " I shouted. the man barely even glanced at me," Don't worry I'll get to you later." He turned back Margret and smiled with golden teeth," so are you going to tell me where your dear old dad is or do you want to be tortured a bit more?" She growled and snapped her teeth at him like a wild animal," I'll tell you nothing." Venny clapped his hands and patted her face," excellent. Then we can give our guests some entertainment. Marcos! Gabriel! Come collect the prisoners and prep them for guns and glory." The girls eyes widen and she fought back against the ropes making more blood run down her arms," I will not play that again. I WILL NOT." The crashing happened again and light flooded in then disappeared. When I gained back my eyesight two more men stood beside Venny. "Well you are going to have to sweet heart unless you wanna tell us where daddy is." Silence. " ok take em' up." One of them came toward me and the other toward Margaret. The other one punched her across the face then undid the ropes on her arms and legs, proceeding to carry her away with Venny trailing behind. I focused on the guy in front of me. There's is a slight chance I could take him. He started untying my legs. What an idiot. Ok I have to be quick. Right when they were free I lifted up on my hands and through searing pain I unhooked my hands from the rope. Though my hands were still tied I whacked the large guy across the face with my hands then kicked him in the skull. I don't even want to tell you what it sounded like. I bolted to ward the hatch and was blinded by the light. You would think I'd be used to it but I guess not. I look around to see a camp swarmed with raiders. Well crap. I try to act casual as I sneak behind a  tent but to no avail. I start sprinting as I hear," The prisoner has escaped." "Look there he is." Sorry Margaret but I have a family and I need to get home to them. I make a left then swivel to the right then duck into a tent to see two people making out. " uh sorry." I run outside the tent and something hits my face. "Didn't think you could escape that easily did ya?" I fall to the ground and look up at the person who hit me,"Any chance we can talk this through like civil people I know we are." Then I saw his fist come toward me again. Well sh...

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