Joining Packs

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Chapter 2 ~ Joining Packs

After school had finished, I decided to go for a little run. When I got into the woods, I shifted i to my black crimson eyed wolf. I looked at my refle tion in the lake and I have to say, I look damn fucking good as a wolf. And with that, I ran off. Deeper in the woods, away from my pack, I felt at peace. Until I realised I was in unmarked teritory. Not good. Not good at all. I was about to get awaywhen I saw three wolves emege from trees. Great rouges. Well, I guess I could use a fight.

I started to growl defensively and a female wolf stepped backwards. I was scaring her, which was a good thing. They all had lighter fur than me, which meant that they were weaker. Depending on how much they train. I knew I was strong so I picked my prey and leaped into the air. I ended up landing on him and broke his ribs. I growled at him while he whimpered. I let them go and decided to go back to my pack.

While I raced back to the house, I heard cars coming along the road. I could smell a mixture of wolf scents. The pack was early. Now I was literally racing against time. Mostly because they were driving a variety of sports cars. I saw that I got to the pack house before them giving me time to tell my dad they were early.

I went up the stairs to my room. I washed the scent of the other wolf off me and pulled on a pair of shorts and a flowy top. Slipping on my ankle boots, I went downstairs to see the other pack walk through the front door and my dad talking to the Alpha and Beta. "Hey bitch. Where were you after school?"

I turned to see Alexis smiling at me while eyeing some of the guys from the wolf pack. " Oh you know, went for a run, ended up on unmarked land, wrestled some rouges. The usual, " I replied nonchalontly. She stared at me,shocked. " You WHAT!!" she yelled in my ear.

" Geez Alexis! It's not a big deal."

She was about to argue when we realised the alpha of another pack was about to say something.

"Hello everyone. We are all delighted to be here. Though there is one incident that happened while we were on our way," he said, looking pretty calm until he continued. " I had three wolves from my pack track the area to see it was safe and ended up on unmarked teritory. They heard a wolf coming and realised it was rouge. The wolf growled and injured one of the three. It would be......" he stopped an sniffed the air. I peiced the story together abd realised it wasn't rouges in the area. Oh my fucking Lord he is walking towards me.

"You were the one who attacked my three." he immediately accused me. He knew my scent. Everyone was staring atme waiting for a response. " It was unmarked teritory. I thought they were rouges." I defended myself well.

" Well they weren't," he argued

" Oops." I smirked and walked away like a boss. I could hear people giggling an then everyone got back to talking.


Heyyo everyone!!! well theres another chapter for u i hope ur all enjoying my book. Better things are comin along okay just keep reading!! RIRI

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