Chapter 3

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The two of you had settled onto a bench a few 100 yards down the bank after that, with you blushing as he’d captured your hand in his after your kiss, his giant hands practically enveloping yours entirely.

‘So, where are you from?’ he asks, taking his hand from yours and sliding it along the back of the bench behind you and you feel his fingers begin to flit around your shoulder and neck the other side.

'Not South Korea.’ you answer cheekily, grinning at him when he rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

'Well, yes, but I meant, why are you here? Was it the kpop craze? Like all the other foreign girls…’

'Whats kpop?’ you ask in faux confusion, seeing his face become shocked before you laugh, hand landing on his thigh as you stop yourself from falling into him.

'I’m just kidding…to be honest, kpop was the reason I found out about South Korea, but I’m actually here to learn more about the culture- I’m very interested in the food and your methods of cooking.’ you explain, seeing the disbelief on his face and narrowing your eyes.

'Yah! I’m serious!’

'Hey, I believe you, but I also think that you like kpop a lot more than you’re letting on…otherwise you wouldn’t be here with me right now.’ he teases in his accented english, smirking at you, and you frown at him in confusion, tilting your head as you try to work out what he’s trying to get at.

'Come on, we both know you know who I am.’ he says, fingertips beginning to trail across your neck teasingly and you shiver slightly at the feeling, still confused about what he was on about.

'I honestly, have no idea what you’re on about.’ you say honestly, shooting him an apologetic smile and presuming whatever he was trying to say had just become lost in translation.

'Seriously? When I crashed into you this morning, you looked like you recognised me…’ he insists, watching you skeptically and all you can do is shrug, starting to feel like this was some kind of flirting strategy.

'Is this how you pick up girls? Because you might need to work on it a little.’ you say, giggling at his curious expression, and taking a final sip of your coffee before turning to put it in the bin beside you. When you turn back he is considerably closer than he was before, meaning you were caught in a slightly leant back position as you look at him.

'You seriously dont know who I am?’ he asks quietly, watching you intently as you shake your head, your heart racing at his close proximity and there is a part of you that begins to think this date was a bad idea.

'Its really cold out here…do you want to go somewhere warmer?’ he suddenly asks, raising his hand to cup your cheek, making it very clear what he wanted.

'I…you’re not a crazy psychopath are you?’ you ask stupidly, sitting up and forcing him to move backwards a little, although it really only brings your faces closer together and his warm breath that drifts over your lips makes your spine tingle.

'I’m not.’ he chuckles, 'Just a very passionate rapper.’ he explains, quirking an eyebrow in question of your approval and you smirk at his forwardness, pursing your lips as you watch him.

'In that case, where were you thinking?’ you ask, becoming distracted by his lips again, smiling excitedly when you feel his hand move to hold the back of your neck, holding you in place as he leans closer.

'I’ve got a place we can go, but we’ll have to sneak in.’ he murmurs, grinning mischievously at you.

'That sounds exciting.’ you breathe, getting cut off by his mouth on yours, this time his movements being more passionate and not as fleeting as earlier, his hands holding you to him as lips working dominatingly on yours, giving you just a taste of what was to come that night.

He calls a cab to take you to wherever he had in mind, not being able to keep his hands off of you in the back of the car, and although the whole ordeal seemed a bit rushed, the excitement you got from him was contagious and so you didn’t really mind that this was most likely going to be a one night stand.

He quickly pays the driver, before pulling you from the car, with you laughing at his eagerness, and him silencing you by pressing his lips to yours forcefully, the dark night thankfully covering your embrace.

'Where are we?’ you ask quietly when he pulls away, looking up at the building in front of you and seeing hardly any lights on.

'Its just the apartment that I share with some friends- which is why we have to sneak in.’ he murmurs, pulling your mouth to his once again, and you hear him groan as you grin into the kiss, brushing your tongue over his lower lip and quickly entangling your tongue with his.

'God. I need you right now.’ he whispers needily against your mouth, beginning to slowly move backwards with you and detaching his mouth from yours when he gets to the steps, sliding an arm around your waist and quickly pulling you to the front door.


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