Chapter One

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       Hi, my name is Abigail Johnson but all of my friends call me Abby, and this is the story of my life. I am 15 and I am a freshman in high school. It is a lot of work to be a girl, every day you have to do your hair, pick out your clothes and make sure all of it is done perfectly or else. Then when you get to school you can't act stupidly or else you will get picked on. There is also always some kind of drama and you never want to get in the middle of that.

I live in Portland, Oregon, I have two brothers and I live with my dad, so don't really have a women role model in my life. Many people would always call me a tomboy, and I am at times. I play many sports, soccer, basketball, track, and fast-pitch which means that I do a sport every season. The rest of the time I am a full on girly girl, pink dresses, high heels, makeup, that's right up my alley.

 I'm considered a nerd because I'm very smart so I get to be in honors classes. At school, I fit in really well and I am in one of the many popular groups (the nice one). I have a lot of friends but one bestie named Caroline or Carrie. She does ballet, and fast-pitch because I convinced her to.

Every day I walk home from school with Carrie. Her house is a few blocks away from mine so I drop her off then I walk home. When I get home both of my brothers are already there and they always have a snack ready for me. My friends always say that having siblings is terrible but I love it.

Every weekday I wake up at 6:45 a.m. to my alarm beeping. I turn if off and get out of bed, I walk to my bathroom, I go pee, flush, and wash my hands.

Then I walk downstairs to make my breakfast. By the time I get up my brothers have already left for school and my dad had gone to work so I have to do everything by myself. I get out the pancake batter and all the ingredients then start to make the pancakes. I make three then put them on a plate then get the peanut butter. I spread it on my pancakes and start to eat. When I finished eating I cleaned up my mess and went up to my room to get dressed.

I pick out my favorite floral ruffle romper with my white cardigan and my tan flats to match. Then I go to my bathroom, wash my face and put on moisturizer. I grab my makeup bag and apply my foundation, then I grab my eyeshadow pallet and pick out a shiny rose color and put it on my eyelids, I grab my favorite black mascara and spread it on my eyelashes, then I pick out my light red lipstick and apply it to my lips. I get my toothbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth. I walk out of my bathroom and go to my nightstand to get my phone and my backpack. It is about 8:00 so I walk outside and wait for Carrie and her mom to pick me up for school. They get to my house at around 8:05 and I go and get into the back seat. It is a ten-minute drive from my house to school so we chat in the back seat.

When we arrive at school we hop out and find our group of friends and we all walk to class. Our homeroom teacher's name is Mr. Williams and all of my friends are in his class too, including my boyfriend Jackson. Since it is only about 8:20 we still have about 10 minutes to talk, so we catch up on all of our latest gossip. Carrie, Joshua, Ava, Mason, Jackson and I all sit in a square so we can secretly pass notes or chat whenever Mr. Williams isn't looking at us. My school schedule is social studies, then E.L.A., then our electives which for me is band, after that we have lunch, then science, after I have math, and my last class is P.E.

My favorite class is band even though Eva is the only one of my friends that is in band with me. The band teachers name is Mrs. Jones and she is my most favorite teacher out of all of the teachers I have ever had. I play the clarinet and I also play the piano. I have been playing the clarinet since I was in 5th grade and I have been playing the piano since I was in 1st grade. Now I practice my piano three times every week, and I practice my clarinet five days a week.

Social studies class is over so I walk over to the E.L.A. classroom. I just remembered that I had a test today and I didn't study. "Dang it" I whispered to myself, as I walked into the classroom. Maybe I didn't whisper quiet enough because all of the people that were already in there looked up at me. "Hello Ms. Johnson, " Said Mrs. Rivers, I just nodded back. My face was turning red with embarrassment as I walk to my seat but of course, with all of my unluckiness I tripped over someone's chair and everyone broke out into a fit of laughter. I got up and quickly walked to the back of the classroom to my seat and set my head down on the desk.

Finally after what felt like forever the bell rang. I was pretty sure that I bombed my test and was completely humiliated so I decided that that was probably the worst part of my day. I just couldn't wait till band could start. As I walked into the band room Mrs. Jones greeted me. I took my seat and started putting my clarinet together. We ran through all of our songs that we had planned out for the school musical, Oklahoma. Then the bell rang so we quickly put our instruments away and headed to lunch.

It was nice to be with my friends again because I hadn't seen them since 1st period and since I was having such a bad day it was hard having nobody to talk to it was nice to just be able to vent and blow off some steam. Of course, lunch was over before we knew it so we didn't get to finish our conversations.

My next class was science which is one of my favorite classes because Carrie and Jackson are both in the same class as me so we sit by each other and pretty much mess around the whole time so it goes by quickly.

Finally, it was my last class of the day and Jackson is in P.E. with me so I don't have to be alone. today we had to run the track the whole time so I was hot and sweaty but since it was the end of the school day I could just go home and shower. Right when the bell rang in went and changed and waited for Jackson to go to meet with the rest group. We went to our meeting spot and said our good-byes until tomorrow. Today Jackson was walking home and since he lives the same way as us we all walked home together. Carrie's house was first so we dropped her off, next was Jackson's house, he kissed me on the cheek and walked into his house. My house was just two blocks away so I didn't have very far to walk before I got home.

When I got home I ate my snack and went up to my bathroom and showered. I was just so tired after such a long day that I just decided that 3:46 p.m. was a good bedtime so I went to bed plugged in my phone, and before I knew it I was dreaming of rainbows and lollipops.

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