hang sesh

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I wake up shivering the familiar sound of the fan playing in my ears.

Someone turned the fan on, that was thoughtful.

It was a nice gesture but now I'm freezing due to the fact that I have apparently kicked my blanket off my bed.

I peel my eyes open and rub my eyes in an attempt to rid them of sleep. It didn't work so I roll of my bed, onto the cold floor. The impact, as I had planed wakes me up no problem.

I must have woken up before my alarm.

I lay on the floor for a while before I peel myself off the floor and walk into the bathroom. I take off Elle's sweater and place it neatly, on the edge of the sink.

Should I bother with a shower? Nah.

By the time I get dry shampoo in my hair and brush out my curls, the alarm is going off in my bed room.

As I am walking out of my room, I see my mom emerge from hers,

"Wha-whatareyoudoing?" She says in a sleepy slur.

"Mom, use your words," I talk slower, the way you do when you're trying to explain something to a little kid.

"Wha-what er you doin'?" She says, taking a step closer.

"Uh. . . I'm getting ready for school?" I say squinting, hoping it was the right answer.

"Good," she gives me a sloppy yet happy smile and recedes back inside her room. Shrugging off the experience and continue with my normal routine.

- - -

The day was good, if was the very first day, in my two years of high school that I have not been tormented by Brendon and his pack of goons.

- - -

The next day, content with the feeling I am protected, I confidently walk to my locker. Obviously that was a mistake because, I am then surrounded by Brendon and the other assholes who make it their personal goal to ruin my high school experience.

Excepting defeat, I finish putting my books in my locker and turn around so they can carry out whatever their plan is.

"Just lay it on me," I say, then feeling a sweaty hand grab the back of my neck. "I think you're going to like this," a mischievous smirk creeps onto Brendon's face as he pushes me down the now desolate hallways.

He takes me into one of the unused gyms, it smells B.O. and sexual tension. One of Brendon's minions holds me in place while Brendon himself slips into the supply room.
He wheels out a bin full of dodge balls and I feel my hear sink.

Brendon grabs one of the dodge balls and comes close to me. He pushes me against the wall, he is so close I can smell his breath, the usual aroma of onions and jolly ranchers. "Not so big now that your girlfriend isn't here to protect you." Me mocks, taking a few steps back he chucks the ball at me, soon after I am bombarded with a hailstorm of dodge balls flying at me.

I bring my arms up to cover my face and lift a leg to partially protect my stomach. Eventually, I fall on the ground, not being able to take the pain anymore. That's about when they stop, Brendon probably realizing I have no intention of resisting anymore.

Once the pain starts to subside, I pull myself up using the wall as something to lean on. I feel the cool sting of a tear roll down my face.
It isn't because of pain that I start to cry, it's because then I realized that I have no one to help me through it.

Not wanting the embarrassment of having everyone see my beat-on face, I walk home, hoping to avoid my mom for the first time in a long time.

When I get home I toast some peta bread and grab the hummus from the fridge. I climb under my sheets, trying to escape from reality with my favorite snack. I end up setting my dishes on the end table and I fall asleep.

I am awakened by a knock on the door, and the subtle creek of the old hinges opening. 

"Honey, you awake?" Thank god my back is facing the door.

"Yes." I say in my groggy sleep ridden voice.

"There's someone here to see you," I instantly stiffen up, hoping it's not Brendon here to give me another beating. I roll over in my bed to see my very own protecting force standing in the doorway.

My mom walks away when she realizes I know this monster of a girl (referring to her hight.)

Elle runs over to me presumably because my face in bruised and streaked with tears.

"Liam I am so sorry." She says, sitting besides me on the bed. I rub my face in a successful attempt to wake it up."Its not your fault." I say, cringing at how scratchy my sleep ridden voice is.

"Yes it is. I can't just declare you under my protection and the just not show up at school, leaving to the mercy of the Jock Posse." Elle takes a deep breath and sighs. "Granted, I wanted to come back, but when you pull a knife on school grounds there are bound to be consequences." She lets out a frustrated groan and continues. "I have a two week suspension. Im lucky I'm not expelled, but since I have good grades, this is the first time and it was in your defense, the punishment is pretty mild. Although I don't know how I will get my homework." She works her jaw, "I'll figure it out."

I finally sit up, "Even though you haven't been at school the past few days, Im still thankful. You saved me the embarrassment of having to be cut down by a teacher." 

"How are you?" Elle puts her hand on my shoulder. I wince, which all but gives her the answer to her question. "Let me have a look."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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