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"Sam! Get up now before I come in and make you." I try to drown out my mothers screams with my pillow, but it was usless. I slumped out of bed and walked over to the mirror; scowling at my own reflection in the mirror. 

"Ew," I sigh as I walk into the bathroom to put on make-up and straighten my hair for the boy that will never notice. I chucked on my school uniform and left the house, making sure I slammed the door loud enough for my mum to hear. I was getting sick of the repetition. Same thing, everyday. 

"Right. Science first." I say with a slight shake in my voice, I hate getting given lab partners. I walked in, and Mr. Chux signalled me to go over to the wall with a bunch of un-impressed other students. I didn't really have any friends in this class, I tried to keep to myself. 

One-by-one Mr. C started to pair us off, at least we didn't have to choose ourselves. Of course, I got put with the most hopeless student to ever exist. Jordan; with his red hair and freckled face, standing at a desk smiling at me. 

"Great, just great." I moan as I grab my bag and head over to him, 

"Hi Sam, i'm glad I was paired with someone that'll do all my work for me." He says patting me on the back, I guess you'd call him the class clown or something. At least he thought he was. 

"You're going to be doing just as much work as me, Jordan." I explain shrugging his hand off my back and sitting down beside him. I was almost grateful we were seperated by a sink and a pile of work to be finished. 

Jordan is chatty, and i'm the opposite. 

"Mr. Chux, can i please go to the bathroom?" I stood up desperately trying to get away, even if it was only for a minute. 

Without even looking up, Mr. C pointed to the back of the room, I walked through the little door, these bathrooms had always creeped me out. I splashed some water on my face, I wasn't sure if i was coming down with something or Jordan was just annoying me. I stare into the mirror for a few seconds but was interrupted by screams 

"JORDAN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Mr. C sounded furious, maybe I should wait awhile longer? "EVERYONE GET OUT. NOW." 

Wait. What? I slowly and cautiously walked to the door. Terrified of what i would see, the hussle of students had stopped. I heard nothing. I placed my hand on the door, and as i did someone opened it from the other side, swinging it straight into my face. I fell back a bit and scowled as i saw Jordan standing above me. 

"Sam, sam. Get back in. Close the door, Quick!" Ew, what was he trying to do. What was going on. My nose was bleeding, and my head pounding. 

"What are you talking about? What have you done now, Jordan." I questioned standing up and wiping my nose with my white sleeve, i felt regret as soon as i did. 

"I- it was meant to be a joke, Sam, I promise i didn't know this would happen!" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, he was starting to scare me. The smell of chemicals and smoke filled my nostrils as we both began to cough. 

"JORDAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I shove him into the sink as I desperately try to get the door open. The metal burnt my hands as i turned the door handle. A black cloud of smoke woofed into the bathroom, making me cough even more than I already was.

"OKAY, SAM, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE. NOW." Jordan grabbed my sleeve i had already stupidly wiped my bloody nose on. I couldn't see my own palm infront of my face, we weren't going to make it. We were going to die. I was going to die because of this idiot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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