A Pair || Viktor

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[Rating: PG13] 
[Word Count: 1,044]
[Summary: Your coach is a shameless flirt and suggests that the two of you try pair skating together.]
[Edited 10.12.2017]

     After what seemed like a century of practicing the exceedingly difficult program Viktor had prepared, you collapsed tiredly onto the stiff ice below you. "Viktor?" you huffed. "Can't we take a break? You know I don't have very good stamina."

     "Is that so?" he called from the edge of the rink, his accent laced with exaggerated optimism. "I must've forgotten."

     "Does that mean that I can stop for now?" you questioned hopefully.

     His smile brightened as he leaned against the rink wall. "Not if you want a chance of making it anywhere competitively. If you were to compete as you are now, the judges would tear you apart."

     Your lips puckered into a pout. You were beyond happy that, by some miracle, Viktor had taken up an interest in coaching you, but his blunt commentary always stung. It didn't really help that he always had the same enthusiastic smile whenever he criticized you. He seemed to enjoy it way too much.

     You pulled yourself to your feet dejectedly. "Thanks for the encouragement," you retorted tersely before turning around to repeat your practice routine.

     As you were getting ready to begin, the sound of Viktor's skates cutting across the ice recaptured your attention. You looked over your shoulder and raised an eyebrow at the sight of him skating towards you. Lately, all he'd been doing was sitting off to the side correcting you, so it was a bit of a surprise that he had actually come out onto the rink.

     He stopped a few feet away from you. "Let's try something new."

     "New?" The thought of suddenly switching things up was nerve-wracking. However, after rehearsing for the same program day after day, things were starting to become tedious at practice. At this point, maybe "new" wasn't so bad.

     He studied your expression for a moment before continuing. "Have you ever tried pair skating?"

     You crossed your arms at his words. Pair skating was affectionate, to say the least, what with all the grabbing and holding. You could already feel your face heating up at the thought of doing something so intimate with Viktor, who you'd never really stopped being starstruck by. 

     You sighed. "You're not suggesting we try that, are you?"

     "Only for today's practice, of course," he replied reassuringly.

     "But I don't know how to. Pairs skating is too intricate."

     "I'll have to teach you, then. I am your coach after all." He winked and held his hand out expectantly. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you."

     You flushed red. Were all Russians this provocative? "If you let me fall down, I won't forgive you."

     "Then I'll just have to be sure to hold onto you extra tightly."

     You hesitantly slipped your hand into Viktor's. For once, you regretted wearing gloves onto the rink.

     "It's just like dancing," he explained, "so don't stress about it, okay?"

     "Well, I'm not exactly the world's most graceful dancer."

     He squeezed your hand lightly. "Just follow my lead and you'll be fine."

     Despite the line being so cliché, your pulse began to pick up as he guided you along the ice.

     After a few minutes of drifting around the rink, Viktor's grasp on your hand loosened, and he moved both of his hands to your waist, stepping behind you as he did so.

     "Viktor?" you breathed, trying to keep your composure. "Your hands?"

     He only hummed in response.

     "They're wandering a bit, don't you think?"

      "Haven't you ever watched pair skating? I would've thought you'd know at least something as basic as this position." He tightened his grip as if to make a point.

     You stiffened, unbearably flustered by the contact. You were trying your best not to let your thoughts wander, but even so, his touch provoked unnecessary embarrassment. 

     Before you could properly react, his warm breath was dancing on the skin of your neck. His lips brushed against your ear as he murmured. "Do you not like this?"

     His face was too close. Your breathing almost immediately hitched up, and it took everything in you to form a coherent sentence. "I never said that. I just don't think you understand how suggestive you can be."

     The two of you slowed to a stop and Viktor spun you around to face him. "I don't think you understand that I do it on purpose sometimes."

     You were still so close to him. His face was only inches from yours. You could hear your heartbeat thrumming in your ears.

     "And you don't understand how seriously I tend to take it."

     "But what if I want you to take it seriously?" 

      You stared at him for a few moments, his intentions now clear to you. "Just kiss me already," you muttered.

     He did just that.

      His lips were soft as they pressed gently against yours. When he wrapped his arms firmly around your body and pulled you into the warmth of his chest, you felt like you would melt into a puddle onto the ice. Almost upon instinct, you tangled your fingers in his not-quite-thinning hair.

     You had fantasized about doing this with Viktor before, but you couldn't have ever come close to preparing yourself how the actual thing made you feel.

     You had always thought you were graced by his presence, as if it was something you didn't deserve. Not once had you speculated that he could ever feel the same way. But this moment clarified everything and left you without a single doubt.

     As he pulled away, you could've sworn you heard him sigh your name. His vibrant blue eyes flitted down to meet yours, his trademark smile tugging at his beyond flawless face.

     "We should try new things more often."

[Author's Note: I took a bit of a hiatus from writing in general, and now that I'm back, I should probably be working on my Kakashi x Reader fanfiction. Alas, writing about my husband was too tempting for me to resist. I can't believe there are only a few more episodes left until it's over.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Make sure to vote and comment so I'll find the motivation to write more!]

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