Self-control (Lemon) || Otabek Altin

7.6K 128 78

[Rating: R]
[Word Count: 2,899]
[Summary: Otabek has been putting off sex since your relationship started, and you've been doing your best to tempt him into giving in.]
[Edited 10.17.2017]

     Gold. That was all that was on your mind the moment your program ended. 

     In the past, getting first place had been an easy feat. The rigid frequency of your practices, along with your innate abilities, had made it so that winning came easily to you. This wasn't the case anymore, though-- not with this year's contenders. For the first time, you felt anxious about seeing your results.

     You had always loved to win, but this time around you were feeling more competitive than ever before. That was because, this year, you had motivations other than the glory that came with placing first.

     This year, you had Otabek Altin to put your efforts towards.

     Technically, you already had him. The two of you had met a Grand Prix a few months back, and almost immediately hit it off, bonding over your fascinations with motorcycles. Soon enough, the two of you became a couple, to no one's surprise.

     Unfortunately, becoming Otabek's girlfriend did not come with the perks you had expected. He refused to have sex with you, always trying to convince you that you should be focusing on your career rather than him. No matter how hard you tried to sway him, he always seemed to stay resolute. Always the gentleman, that one.

     For months you had pestered him, doing your best to tempt him into it with teasing comments and revealing outfits. No matter how hard you pressed, though, he refused to pay your requests any mind. 

     It wasn't until you confided in him, explaining that his hesitance was making you feel self-conscious and inadequate, that he finally gave in and decided to compromise. If you were able to prove that you could handle yourself well enough to place gold in the Grand Prix, he'd give you what you wanted.

     As you thought about this, you scanned the crowd for the Kazakh skater. You knew your performance was nearly flawless, and you were dying to see his reaction. The chances of going all the way with him that night were pretty high.

     Just as you moved to exit the rink, you found him and sent him a meaningful look. He wore the same apathetic expression as usual, but you knew it was a front. He was almost definitely trying to think up another excuse to put off sex until later in the relationship.

     You turned your attention back to your results, hurrying over to your coach and practically shaking with anticipation. "How'd I do?"

     Your coach simply smiled in response and pointed up to the screen displaying your score. Being the last skater up, you just had to beat Janny Mevda's score of 225.3.

     The numbers 227.4 flashed across the screen, evoking a quiet squeak of joy from you. You had won gold, and there was no way you would let Oltabek go back on his word.

     The amount of joy you felt must've been exponential too, seeing as it got you through the tedium of receiving your medal and posing for pictures. You had expected it to be a lot harder to sit through the pleasantries that came after placing, considering it meant waiting longer until you could finally embrace Otabek.

      He, on the other hand, wore a look of defeat as he watched you leave the rink and rush over to him. His motorcycle keys hung heavily in his hand as he addressed you. "Can you at least let me take you out to dinner first?"

     He knew your weakness. "How could I pass up free food?" you sighed. What you really wanted to do was point out that your mouth would be full soon enough anyway, but you were too hungry to skip an actual meal.

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