Chapter Two (Yeom)

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"Yeom you are not leaving here without dressing like a proper lady, " a loud man's voice projected.

Yeom quickly snatched up her small blade, and a satchel of snacks. "We are not doing this again father. I have to go now."

"How am I going to marry you off, when you go out dressed like a son rather than my daughter?"

"Maybe I don't want to be married off."


Yeom quickly slipped out before her dad could say anything else. Fixing her bag on her shoulder she sighs and runs down the road.  Today was a special day  for Yeom, so she couldn't stop to fight with her father again about marriage. Especially since he got more persistent since she turned 15.

She wouldn't continue to dwell her mind  on that. She was meeting someone she hadn't in seen a few weeks do to her helping her father at the market. Fixing her hair a bit she continued down her usual path towards the center market.  Yeom stopped in front of a mirror at a stand, fixing her hair again. She could feel her face began to heat up.

"Aish, why am I acting this way," Yeom asks herself as she pats her cheeks. She ruffles up her hair, and continues down the path. She needed to wait out for the special signal. She soon saw it. Two bright flashes behind one of the market ladies Hanok (Home). Without hesitation she ran towards the signals direction. Her foot slipped and she began to lose her balance, but luckily she was caught. To her luck she was pressed against a chest. Her face heated up and she quickly pushed away. 

"Prince Jung," Yeom shouted out of embarrassment. She cleared her throat, and straightened up as she looked at the prince.

"Yeom didn't we  agree to not use Prince and Lady when we are with each other," Jung asked.

"I know! You just scared me," she said punching him hard in the chest. Jung winces and quickly gives Yeom a glare.

"Can we meet once without hitting each other?"

"I mean if I don't fight you, you will forget that I am top dog around here."

They both stared each other down, and then eventually broke down in laughter.

"I am glad I have met you," Jung said lightly. Yeom stopped and looked at Jung as he stared at her back.

"Ya! Don't talk all mushy to me," Yeom said although her thoughts were the exact same as his. She tried to punch him in the chest again, but Jung caught her hand, causing her to look up at him.

"Yeom don't you think we should stop playing these silly games and just speak to each other truthfully?"

Yeom couldn't help it this time, as her face began to feel like it was on fire. Yeom looked away. "Jung I ---."

"Prince Jung," a third voice had projected. Yeom quickly pulled away from the Prince, and averted her eyes to the ground.

"Ji-Mong," the Prince simply replied back. Yeom looked up relieved to see the Astronomer.

"The king has called for your presence at the palace." The prince looked at Yeom and then back at the astronomer, nodding as he ran off. Yeom too tries to take off but Ji-Mong stuck his hand out in her way. "Lady Yeom, the king has also requested that you return to your position in the palace. Yeom looked at Ji-Mong her  thoughts a bit puzzled. "Princess Pil has returned," were his last words before he left.

Yeom was in shock. She had not seen Princess Pil since she was a very young girl. Yeom seriously needed collect her thoughts. Not only, but she also needed to understand her feelings for Jung. She knew once she enters the palace again as an official Lady she had no right to accept the feelings of any Princes. Taking a quick deep breath, she began to head home. Her mind was astray. Why had she not said the simple words of 'I love you' to Jung. It was the true feeling she had held for months since they had met. Stopping in front of her home Yeom yelled out in frustration.

"Ya! why are  you yelling," a voice shouted. Yeom didn't have to turn to the voice to know who was talking.

"I don't want to speak to you right now," Yeom said as began to slide open her home door. A hand slammed in front of her. It didn't scare Yeom, but she simply rolled her eyes and turned to her annoyance.

"I am not Prince Jung. I demand that you properly greet your Prince," said the 9th Prince Won.

Yeom bowed, and then tried to turn back to enter her home, but the 9th Prince's hand was still in the way. "What do you want," Yeom said irritated as she turned back to the Prince. The Prince's eyebrows slightly lifted. Yeom scoffed then cleared her throat. "I mean, What can I do for you Prince Won?"

The Prince's face lifted in a smile. She knew Prince Won didn't talk much, but when he did she felt that somehow he was always plotting something.

"There is word among the Damiwon ladies that you will be returning to the palace." He grabbed a piece of Yeom's hair and twirled it a bit in his hands.

Yeom rolled her eyes and muttered, "Those Damiwon ladies don't know how to keep their mouth shut."

"So it is true, " the Prince said now intrigued.

"Yes it is." Yeom said facing Won. "I am to return,  to continue my duties that was given to me as a child. So i ask that you leave, so that i can prepare my leave."

Prince Won chuckled. "How come you are the only woman who talks back to me?"

"Because i know your true colors."

The Prince smiled and then grabbed Yeom's chin roughly. "Do not look down upon me anymore. With your return means the return of our ties." He lets go of Yeom's chin and laughs. "I am pleased for your return Lady Yeom." He then took his leave.

Yeom huffed. Her life was already changing.

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