I wish she was here...

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3 months later*

K:Do you have to stay here!
Joe:Kelly it's one day! I'll be there with you tomorrow!
K:I know but I'm gonna miss you!
I hugged him as he kissed me slightly,
Joe:Don't worry you'll be fine, you've got the boys!
Knock knock*
Josh:Kelly the cars here
K:I'll be out in a sec
I hugged Joe once more and headed to the taxi with the boys, I waved to Joe from the window and they all laughed
M:You'll see him tomorrow!
K:I know but I'm going to miss him!
He laughed as we got into the taxi on our way to France,

3 hours later*
K:Wow!, this looks amazing!
We looked around to see a huge building with an upstairs and downstairs, it was the size of a mansion!
J:Is this ours?
Jack looked confused as he pointed to the building,
M:Yer, it looks like it did when i brought the tickets!
J:It's amazing!
We all thanked the driver and grabbed our suitcases out of the boot,
Caspar walked up to the door and knocked it loudly
Con:What are you knocking it for?
C:just checking no ones inside!, are you sure this is ours?
M:Yes! I've got the keys!
He put his hand in his pocket and lifted out a huge brown coloured key with the tag showing number 54
I grabbed them from his hands and rushed to the door,
As I opened it, our mouths dropped!
Around us was a huge living area with a massive tv and a long sofa, the stairs were twisted and we all spotted the pool,
Josh:Noooo, there's a pool!!!
We all rushed to the back door and stared at the pool in amazement, it was huge!
K:Wow Mikey!
We all laughed as Conor jumped into the pool, Jack sighed and quietly headed upstairs holding his phone to his ear
K:What's up with Jack?
M:Something happened with cat I think?
K:What happened?
M:I don't know, ask him!
I looked at the stairs and quietly followed him, without him noticing me

I didn't tell cat that Kelly was coming, she thought it was a boys holiday!, that's why I dreaded this call...
Phone call*
Cat:Jack, can you explain why Kelly is with you?
J:Kelly? What you on about?
Cat:I saw the pictures!, you told me it was a boys holiday!
J:It is!, I mean it was, but Joe asked us last minute!, oli dropped out cause he needs to do something with his brother and someone had to take his place!, Joe asked first
Cat:Why didn't you ask?
J:I wanted to but I didn't want to take that away from Joe!, it was his idea!
C:Whatever Jack!, have fun!
She hung up on me as I looked down at the floor, I shook my head and sighed
K:Hey, are you ok?
I looked up to see Kelly standing there smiling at me in sympathy,
J:Yer I'm good!
K:Don't lie Jack
She smiled and sat next to me
J:It's just cat, she's upset about you
Coming, she thought it was just boys!
K:Oh, do you want me to call her?
J:No it's fine!
I sighed as she put her hand round my back,
K:Whenever you need me I'm here!
I just smiled at her as she walked out of the room, all I could think about was cat, I wish she was here!...

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