You can't just leave!

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Jack looked at me in shock, I have never seen him so lost of words!
K:Jack say something...please!
J:I...uh I'm just shocked!
His mouth was still open and his eyebrows were raised,
J:It's joes right?
I paused
K:Jack there's something I need to tell you!...
I sat on the sofa, and breathed in nervously,
J:Well...what is it?
K:Ok so you remember I told you about that night...
J:What with Joe?
I nodded slightly
K:Well...uh that's not all that happened...that night...
I was about to tell him when the door slammed open, Caspar stood there, his eyes were filled with tears!
K:Cas can...
He interrupted me,
Cas:Is it true?...
I looked at him, I could see that Jack was confused!
K:Cas can we talk about this later?
Cas:No Kells I want to know if...
I looked at him as he paused slightly
J:Guys what's going on?!
K:Guys just calm down!
I shouted in panic, and stood up angrily heading for the door,
J:You can't just leave!, not now
I ignored him and slammed the door behind me...

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