Ch. 22 'City of Night'

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I must have fallen asleep on the way home because I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and opened my eyes.

It was Michael.

"Princess, wake up. We're home." his warm smile was spread across his face and his eyes glistened like the ones of a cat in the dark, with the only difference that his were filled with warmness, love and care. Knowing that I was the cause of this, made me the happiest girl on the planet.

He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. I moaned still sleepy and the cold air outside felt like a knife to my lungs. The trips outside of his castle always made me forget how icy the air here was.

Gilbert was already headed to the castle in front of us, so we followed. Michael grabbed my small hand in his and didn't let it go until we entered the huge castle.

Memories of earlier events started to slowly return in my mind and as every memory became clearer, I started to worry more and more about our future. I loved Michael so much and I wasn't ready to let go of him. I remembered he said he was going to marry me and make me his queen!

This seemed like a beautiful dream to me now and I dared not, although curiosity was burning me, ask Michael if he really meant that. It was just too good to be true and my heart, because of fear of rejection, didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Count, maybe we should allow YN to rest a little before... the serious conversation." Gilbert said, giving Michael a weird look that I couldn't understand. However, I believed he wanted to talk to Michael in private and I was in his way.
"Alright, Gilbert. YN, why don't you go to your room to rest for a while and I'll come to talk to you later?" I didn't want to disagree with Michael. The fact that he was willing to talk to Gilbert concerning things that I shouldn't know about, was really scarring me. Were they going to create a plan to murder those vampires who opposed Michael? I didn't even want to think about it!
"Yes... I'll be waiting for you." he gently kissed my hand and watched me until I disappeared behind the wall. I did my best to walk as slowly as possible from here, so as to get even the slightest chance of overhearing Michael and Gilbert in their evil plans.

I was scared but very curious at the same time. Like, when you get scared of horror movies and don't want to watch but in the end, you end up watching them!

"Count, do you realize what you've done?!"
"Yes Gilbert, I do."
"No, I don't think so. You put yourself and me into a lot of trouble! This girl too!"  I heard Michael sigh "I know that she is stupid and doesn't know what she's getting herself into, but you count, aren't! My people could kill me because of you!" kill Gilbert? And his people? Did he mean the werewolves?
"No one will kill you, don't worry."
"And were you really serious about marrying YN!?"
"This can't be true! You should know best that the rituals aren't a game!" from this point I started to hear less and less. I couldn't stay there any longer because I was sure, they would have sensed me and that would have been embarrassing! "Rituals and-...... blood spilled-... she can't drink and you can't-" it all started to turn into a whisper ".....vampire hunter and-...certain death-" this was the last word I heard. Death.

Was I going to die?

What was going to happen with our love? Gilbert was obviously against us. It's a fact that he never liked me, which I didn't know why.

At least I didn't have to wait for Michael a long time. He came to my room after an hour or so and knocked on my door.

He invited me to take a stroll in the gardens outside so that we could talk. I agreed immediately and we left the castle walking hand in hand.

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