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Kristine awoke. She was lying in a pool of sweat. Everyone else were just waking up as well. They stood up and stretched.

"Where's Michael?", Tessa asked.

"I don't know. He was here last night and now he is gone", Kristine replied.

There were zombies throughout the store but they didn't noticed everyone. Some were walking out.

"What are they doing here?", Chris exclaimed.

"Michael is gone. We need to find him", Tessa urged.

I awoke on the ground in a pool of blood. The bullet was still in my arm. I could hear the dead approaching me. There were about ten walking towards me. I began army crawling towards the bathroom. They were just walking so I had plenty of time. As I crawled, the trail of blood followed. They stopped to taste the blood. Once they had their feel, they began walking faster. I made it to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. The zombies didn't enter the bathroom.

"Sonofabitch!!", I yelled in pain.

I ripped the bullet out. If I wasn't immune to the virus, I would have turned into a zombie. More blood poured out. I began becoming lightheaded. I had lost too much blood. I began talking to myself as if I were stupid.

Don't die! If you die, everyone dies. Just take a few deep breaths and assess the situation. You are in the bathroom. Use the toilet paper to clog the wound.

I took a wad of toilet paper and stuck it in the wound. It quickly turned red. I felt weak. I then had a flashback.

"What do we do now that the outbreak has killed millions?", Cole asked as we stood inside Marcos.

"We fight like hell! We need to focus on survival. Go with Max and Jeremy. Find a safe place to hide and then call me!", I said.

The store power cut off. Then the generator kicked on. An skinny Asian boy walked in the store. He had black hair.

"What can I help you with?", I asked.

"I would like to order a pizza and I would like an application."

"You know damn well you aren't here to order a pizza. Who are you? What do you want?"

"I am Nick Yang. My friends and girl call me Echo because I am a really good PC gamer", he bragged.

"Why are you ordering Pizza when there is an outbreak?"

Nick nodded his head and pulled out a gun.

"Put the money on the counter now!!", he demanded.

"Like hell I am!", I said as grabbed a pen and trie to stab him.

He moved out of the way an kicked me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, holding my stomach. A girl came in the front of the store.

"Babe what's taking so long?", she asked Nick.

"Wait in the car Caroline!", he yelled as he tried opening the register.

I stood up and grabbed Nick. I picked him up and threw him at Caroline. She caught him and ran out.

Jeremy came in the store. He was a short dark skin eighteen year old. He had a good reputation around the store.

"Who was that?", he asked.

"Some ass named Nick. And his girl Caroline. They tried to rob the place. What they need to do is go rob a shower!"

Jeremy laughed. He had a very distinctive laugh. It resembles a Windex bottle. In some cases it sounded as if it were logs cracking on an open fire.

"I don't know if we will be opened today", I stated.

"Why do you say that?", Jeremy replied.

"The parking lot is empty. The outbreak has started. If we don't prepare then it's game over for us."

"I know I won't die yet."


I opened my eyes. I was in a corner in one of the stalls. I didn't hear the zombies outside. How long have I been passed out? I stood up. The bullet wound had stopped bleeding. I made my way out of the bathroom. The zombie were lying in a pile in the front of the store.

"Hello?", I said.

There was no response. It had been mid-afternoon. The plaza was silent as usual. The sun was shining. I was surprised to see the ice melt. I walked over to Marcos. The poor building had suffered too much. As I neared, I heard muffled groans coming from the trash can area. I made my over there. I saw someone lying there, struggling for life. They were laying in a pool of blood.

"Hey buddy you okay?", I asked.

He groaned in pain. I moved closer. I then knew who it was.

"Jesus Christmas!! What the hell happened Chris?", I said as I leaned over him.

"They came for everyone. T-they are evil", he stammered.



He was covered in blood. He had been beaten and thrown off to the side to die.

"You will live Chris! Don't fucking die man. Don't die on me!"

He reached in his pocket and took out a small pistol.

"This gun has one bullet. Shoot me so that I don't turn into a zombie", he said.

He put the gun in my hand. I hesitated.

"Take down Byran. Win this!"

I will. I aimed the gun at him.

"Farewell Mickey."


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