The Horror

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The green vampire turned around and was smiling with blood all around his mouth.  But what surprised me was that he wasn't green anymore!  He now has tan skin.  It looks like he traded his skin color with my teacher, Mr. Duvane!  I felt like I wanted to run, but I felt frozen in place. The vampire came toward me.  "Thank you for the snack! By the way, I forgot to tell you. I'm Rosa De' Flight.  You can call me Rosa since we're friends now."  He must have noticed the horrified look on my face because he said, "Don't try to run, or else everything will end badly. Just accept the fact that we are friends now." I was still in horror. I mean, how could I not be? My teacher and all of my so-called friends are dead!  There is a vampire that is now acting like we are friends!  Also, I'm scared for my life!  "I don't know what to do!" I said in my head.  Then Rosa said, "Please just calm down!!  Stop being afraid of me!  If you could trust me, then I could protect you from danger, and yes, I know I'm a vampire. That is tough for most humans to comprehend, but if you could trust me, I could protect you from the Vena Tribe," Rosa explained.  "What is the Vena Tribe?" I asked.  (-,,-) "You don't know?  Ok, I'll tell you.."

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