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  Rip 13 watched as the Hackers looked the plane over, scanning its coding. They had brought it back to one of the main buildings to have it scanned and researched.

"So boys, what does it look like, one of Brody08's?" Rip 13 asked.

One of the Hackers gave a nod.

"Yes, and we've identified the program's name. He's been christened with the name Crophopper 7."

Rip 13 nodded.

"Bears the last name of their User... so he's special."

He looked at Crophopper 7. He was still out cold from the battle and roughed up.

"So, he's trying to get back in."

Everyone turned to see a Hacker walk in that had a cloak on over his armor. All gave a humble bow as he came forward.

"Master Nero."

Nero looked Crophopper 7 over, tracing his hand over some of the glow marks on the plane.

"It's his work... heh... probably based off someone he knows about in his world... just like all the rest of his irregular programs." He glanced to Rip 13 and the helicopter beside him. "No offense to you two."

"None taken sir." Rip 13 replied. The helicopter just gave a silent nod.

Nero turned his attention back to Crophopper 7.

"He was most likely sent here to try and take back the system... Best we derezz him now before he tries anything or those programs try anything. There's no doubt that they know this program is on the system." Nero narrowed his eyes. "Especially with those master programs Riley 07, Ranger 301 and Hornet 51... They know when change is coming."

"Sir." Rip 13 rolled forward. "May I suggest something else?"

Nero looked to him. "Speak."

"Maybe we should send a message out to those programs by using Crophopper 7 here as the example... You have been meaning to show that new reconfiguring process of yours... and in the end he would still derezz... That is only a suggestion though, sir."

Nero smiled. "I like your thinking Rip 13."

Nero looked to the other Hackers. "Take Crophopper 7 to the lab and run the reconfigure process on him... Let' see if we can take this form of his away from him."

"Yes sir!"

The Hackers rolled Crophopper 7 out of the room and to the lab.

"Rip 13, you return back to your duty with Loopin' 302. Keep an eye out for those Wrenches if they decide to break in."

The two machines nodded. "Yes, Nero."

They left without another word, leaving Nero to his thoughts.

You should've never sent this program here Brody08... In fact... You should've just given up on this system long ago. It belongs to us Hackers... and it's going to stay that way whether you or your programs like it or not.


"This is Riley 07 to Hornet 51, do you copy?"

Hornet 51 gave a nod from where he was standing, looking into the building that Crophopper 7 was in.

"I copy Riley 07, I can see the program inside, they're taking it to one of the labs."

"We need to hurry then. Users only know what they'll do it to once its in there."

"Understood, Lightning 95 and I will see if we can create a diversion so you and your squadron can get in."

"Just don't risk derezzing yourselves."

"Copy that... End of line."

Hornet 51 looked around before giving a signal to someone to come out. Out of the shadows came a young man with white glowing marks that matched his own.

"What's the situation Hornet 51?"

"Gotta make some noise so Riley 07 can get in with his squadron and rescue that program. Hope you're ready for a good run, Lightning 95."

Lightning 95 grinned. "Oh yes, bring it on."

Hornet 51 gave a smirk. "You shouldn't be so excited for something like this."

"Sorry, just I don't get to do much these days to help so I'm glad I get to do something."

Hornet 51 gave a nod. "I can agree... Alright, let's show them what we got."

The programs took one last look around before heading into the building through one of the windows, making their ways down the hallways.

"Arm guards ready?" Hornet 51 asked as they raced down the halls.

"Yeah, all set to go."

"Alright then..."

Hornet 51 pulled out the disk on his back before throwing it at one of the alarms, setting it off.


The two programs readied themselves as Hacker guards came charging at them.





Hornet 51 and Lightning 95 took off, leading the guards through various hallways, dodging disks and bullets as they went. Soon as they knew they were on the ground floor and there was plenty of open room they readied their arm guards.

"Let's do this!" Lightning 95 shouted.

Hornet 51 nodded, hitting the buttons on his arm guards.


The two sprung into the air, their huminid forms breaking down into codes and reforming into their machine forms, that being two race cars. Their engines revved as soon as their change was complete, both taking off as they touched the ground. The Hackers growled in frustration as they chased after them into the city, getting onto Light Cycles as they went.

"That's right, follow the race cars!" Lightning 95 laughed as they raced through the city.

Hornet 51 chuckled as they continued.

"This Hornet 51 to Riley 07, you're clear to go in, we got them distracted."

"Copy that, we're going in now."

"Good luck. End of line."

Hornet 51 turned his attention back on the pursuing Hackers.

Just keep following us... and ignore the Wrenches.


After Hornet 51 and Lightning 95 had charged out of the building Riley 07 slipped in with two other Wrenches following behind him. Soon as they were in, they stopped to let Riley 07 search the building.

The two Wrenches sat in silence as Riley 07 was knelt on the floor with his eyes just, his hand touching the floor as he let his senses follow the energies in the building.

Where are you...? Riley 07 asked himself as he searched each room, coming up with nothing. Then he felt a huge energy spike. He followed it and was mortified what he saw. He could see Crophopper 7 being held down by energy binds as Hackers began working on him... messing with his coding.

He let out an audible growl before getting up, looking to the Wrenches he had with him.

"Bravo 113 and Echo 210, follow me, we need to hurry. They're attempting to change his coding."

The two nodded. "Let's go."

The three hurried down the halls, Riley 07 keeping his senses focused on the energy that the program was letting off... cringing as he could still see what was going on. Before they reached the room all three of them felt chills go through them as they heard what they could only describe as a scream that would belong to someone who was being derezzed... slowly.

Riley 07 immediately pulled out his disk, growling. "GET IN THERE NOW!"

Bravo 113 and Echo 210 didn't hesitate as they drew out their disks, breaking into the lab and attacking any Hackers near them at once.

"LONG LIVE THE RESISTANCE!" Bravo 113 shouted as he went on with his attacks.

Riley 07 made his advances through each Hacker towards Crophopper 7. When he got to him, his eyes went wide with what he saw. The program was glitching between appearances. One moment a plane, the next moment a huminid, but limbs and parts would be distorted no matter the form... and he was in pain. Extreme pain.

"HELP ME!" he shouted.

Riley 07 acted quickly, getting the binds off the program and grabbing hold of the disk on his back when he was in its huminid form. Riley 07 tapped the center of the disk, causing the coding to open up. He didn't have time to scan the whole disk but he was able to find the part that was causing the program to glitch between the two forms. He grabbed hold of the coding repairing it, causing the glitch to stop. The Crophopper 7 let out a sigh of relief as it stopped, ending up in his huminid form, collapsing to the ground exhausted.

Riley 07 knelt beside the program to get a better look, rolling him over on to his back. The program had blue glowing marks just like his. He noted the Jolly Wrench crest that was imprinted on the collar of the program's chest armor.

Ranger 301 was right... He is a creation of Brody08.

He frowned as he picked up Crophopper 7, cradling him in his arms.

Poor thing... No one deserves to go through that...

The program opened his eyes weakly, looking at Riley 07 with a desperate look.

"Help... me..."

"It's alright now, we got you." Riley 07 said, giving a reassuring look. "I'm Riley 07, commander of the Jolly Wrenches. Who are you?"

The program closed his eyes, resting against Riley 07.

"C... Crop... Crophopper 7..."

"Named after our User's last name..."

"Riley 07."

Riley 07 growled as he heard the voice that said his name. He looked towards the entrance to see Rip 13 standing at the door in his huminid form, disk ready in hand. Next to him was Loopin' 302 who had his dual disks ready.

"Hello, traitor." Riley 07 said with narrowed eyes.

"Aww don't you mean traitors? You're leaving poor Loopin' 302 out here." Rip 13 whined in a sarcastic tone.

Riley 07 looked to Loopin' 302, seeing the dead look in the program's eyes.

"He didn't have a choice, you did."

Rip 13 scoffed. "Whatever, you're still leaving him out but I guess I'll let it slide. But I can't let you walk out with that program."

Riley 07 got into a defensive stance, keeping Crophopper 7 close.

"He bears part out of our User's name, I can't just leave him here, there must be a reason Brody08 sent him here."

Rip 13's eyes narrowed. "Exactly why I can't let you take him."

Echo 210 and Bravo 113 joined Skipper's side.

"Then we'll just force our way through." Bravo 113 growled.

Riley 07 looked to the two Wrenches. "Have your arm guards ready."

"Yes sir."

The three got into position, staring down Rip 13 and Loopin' 302. Finally, they broke into a run, charging right at them. Echo 210 and Bravo 113 took on to the two programs, allowing Riley 07 to slip through and out into the hallway. Soon as he had enough distance from them, they followed after him with Rip 13 and Loopin' 302 right behind them.

The two readied their arm guards.

"Just give the orders Riley 07!" Bravo 113 shouted.

Riley 07 nodded.

They entered a large hallway that had a dead end.


Riley 07 slowed his pace so he fell behind Echo 210 and Bravo 113.


The two jumped into the air, hitting the buttons on their arm bands, shifting into their F/A - 18 superhornet forms.

"Let's blow this energy water stand!"

Bravo 113 and Echo 210 fired at the dead end, creating an opening for them to get out. Bravo 113 lowered himself a little so Riley 07 could hop on to his back and hang on by his tail wing.

"Punch it!"

The two superhornets shot off like bullets through the exit they had created and out into the sky. Riley 07 held on tightly, still keeping a good grip on Crophopper 7 as they flew away form the building. He looked behind them to see Rip 13 and Loopin' 302 following after them in their machine forms.

"I'll distract them, you keep going!" Echo 210 shouted as he banked around and started firing at the two.

Bravo 113 nodded and continued his course, heading towards the Out Lands.

"This is Riley 07 to Ranger 301, have the Fire Wall team ready."

"Ranger 301 copies."

Bravo 113 made great haste as they got further and further away from the city. Echo 210 eventually joined them but he still had Rip 13 and Loopin' 302 hot on his tail.

"Is the Fire Wall team ready?" he asked.

"They should be now." Riley 07 answered as he looked to the entrance of the Out Lands. "Brace yourselves!"

The superhornets sped through, crossing the borders. Before Rip 13 and Loopin' 301 could follow after them, they were greeted by a large wall of yellow pixelated fire. Rip 13 let out a growl as he saw Ranger 301 flying above with his team that were dropping the agents that caused the wall to appear.

"No use trying to get through, we'll be derezzed before we can even get through the flames." Rip 13 growled as he looked to Loopin' 302. "Best to head back and report... Nero is not going to be too happy about this."

Loopin' 302 gave a nod, looking towards the escaping programs and then to Ranger 301. Ranger 301 looked back before averting his eyes.

"Stop lollygagging, let's go."

Rip 13 flew off and Loopin' 302 followed after him. Ranger 301 watched the two leave, a little bit of pain in his eyes. He shook his thoughts away, turning on his radio.

"Ranger 301 to Riley 07, the pursuers have retreated, we're now in the clear."

"Copy that, we're heading straight to the Medical Bay to get the program treated."

"Understood... What's the program's name?"

"Crophopper 7 and you were right... Brody08 created him. He has all the marks that say so."

"So he hasn't given up on us after all..."

"He never seemed like the type to anyway... But we'll worry about that later. Right now, we need to get Crophopper 7 stabilized, they screwed up his coding."

"Understood, my team and I will finish up and I'll be right on over."

"See you then. End of line."

Ranger 301 looked to his team.

"Let's keep this wall going for a good while, those Hackers will try to get in at all costs!"

"Sir yes sir!" his team shouted in unison.

He gave a nod looking to the city.

No Hackers are getting into our territory... not on my watch.

Reconfigure by Aileen RoseWhere stories live. Discover now